As of January 1, 2016

Federal Aviation Regulations

Code of Federal Regulations Title 14

Aeronautics and Space


§ 13.1 - Reports of violations.

(a) Any person who knows of a violation of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended, the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act relating to the transportation or shipment by air of hazardous materials, the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970, the Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982, the Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982 as amended by the Airport and Airway Safety and Capacity Expansion Act of 1987, or any rule, regulation, or order issued thereunder, should report it to appropriate personnel of any FAA regional or district office.

(b) Each report made under this section, together with any other information the FAA may have that is relevant to the matter reported, will be reviewed by FAA personnel to determine the nature and type of any additional investigation or enforcement action the FAA will take.

§ 13.3 - Investigations (general).

(a) Under the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended, (49 U.S.C. 1301 et seq.), the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act (49 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.), the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970 (49 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.), the Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982 (49 U.S.C. 2201 et seq.,), the Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982 (as amended, 49 U.S.C. App. 2201 et seq.,et seq. Airport and Airway Safety and Capacity Expansion Act of 1987), and the Regulations of the Office of the Secretary of Transportation (49 CFR 1 et seq.), the Administrator may conduct investigations, hold hearings, issue subpoenas, require the production of relevant documents, records, and property, and take evidence and depositions.

(b) For the purpose of investigating alleged violations of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970, the Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982, the Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982 as amended by the Airport and Airway Safety and Capacity Expansion Act of 1987, or any rule, regulation, or order issued thereunder, the Administrator's authority has been delegated to the various services and or offices for matters within their respective areas for all routine investigations. When the compulsory processes of sections 313 and 1004 (49 U.S.C. 1354 and 1484) of the Federal Aviation Act, or section 109 of the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act (49 U.S.C. 1808) are invoked, the Administrator's authority has been delegated to the Chief Counsel, the Deputy Chief Counsel, each Assistant Chief Counsel, each Regional Counsel, the Aeronautical Center Counsel, and the Technical Center Counsel.

(c) In conducting formal investigations, the Chief Counsel, the Deputy Chief Counsel, each Assistant Chief Counsel, each Regional Counsel, the Aeronautical Center Counsel, and the Technical Center Counsel may issue an order of investigation in accordance with subpart F of this part.

(d) A complaint against the sponsor, proprietor, or operator of a Federally-assisted airport involving violations of the legal authorities listed in § 16.1 of this chapter shall be filed in accordance with the provisions of part 16 of this chapter, except in the case of complaints, investigations, and proceedings initiated before December 16, 1996, the effective date of part 16 of this chapter.

§ 13.5 - Formal complaints.

(a) Any person may file a complaint with the Administrator with respect to anything done or omitted to be done by any person in contravention of any provision of any Act or of any regulation or order issued under it, as to matters within the jurisdiction of the Administrator. This section does not apply to complaints against the Administrator or employees of the FAA acting within the scope of their employment.

(b) Complaints filed under this section must—

(1) Be submitted in writing and identified as a complaint filed for the purpose of seeking an appropriate order or other enforcement action;

(2) Be submitted to the Federal Aviation Administration, Office of the Chief Counsel, Attention: Enforcement Docket (AGC-10), 800 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20591;

(3) Set forth the name and address, if known, of each person who is the subject of the complaint and, with respect to each person, the specific provisions of the Act or regulation or order that the complainant believes were violated;

(4) Contain a concise but complete statement of the facts relied upon to substantiate each allegation;

(5) State the name, address and telephone number of the person filing the complaint; and

(6) Be signed by the person filing the complaint or a duly authorized representative.

(c) Complaints which do not meet the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section will be considered reports under § 13.1.

(d) Complaints which meet the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section will be docketed and a copy mailed to each person named in the complaint.

(e) Any complaint filed against a member of the Armed Forces of the United States acting in the performance of official duties shall be referred to the Secretary of the Department concerned for action in accordance with the procedures set forth in § 13.21 of this part.

(f) The person named in the complaint shall file an answer within 20 days after service of a copy of the complaint.

(g) After the complaint has been answered or after the allotted time in which to file an answer has expired, the Administrator shall determine if there are reasonable grounds for investigating the complaint.

(h) If the Administrator determines that a complaint does not state facts which warrant an investigation or action, the complaint may be dismissed without a hearing and the reason for the dismissal shall be given, in writing, to the person who filed the complaint and the person named in the complaint.

(i) If the Administrator determines that reasonable grounds exist, an informal investigation may be initiated or an order of investigation may be issued in accordance with subpart F of this part, or both. Each person named in the complaint shall be advised which official has been delegated the responsibility under § 13.3(b) or (c) for conducting the investigation.

(j) If the investigation substantiates the allegations set forth in the complaint, a notice of proposed order may be issued or other enforcement action taken in accordance with this part.

(k) The complaint and other pleadings and official FAA records relating to the disposition of the complaint are maintained in current docket form in the Enforcement Docket (AGC-10), Office of the Chief Counsel, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D. C. 20591. Any interested person may examine any docketed material at that office, at any time after the docket is established, except material that is ordered withheld from the public under applicable law or regulations, and may obtain a photostatic or duplicate copy upon paying the cost of the copy.

§ 13.7 - Records, documents and reports.

Each record, document and report that the Federal Aviation Regulations require to be maintained, exhibited or submitted to the Administrator may be used in any investigation conducted by the Administrator; and, except to the extent the use may be specifically limited or prohibited by the section which imposes the requirement, the records, documents and reports may be used in any civil penalty action, certificate action, or other legal proceeding.

§ 13.11 - Administrative disposition of certain violations.

(a) If it is determined that a violation or an alleged violation of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, or an order or regulation issued under it, or of the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, or an order or regulation issued under it, does not require legal enforcement action, an appropriate official of the FAA field office responsible for processing the enforcement case or other appropriate FAA official may take administrative action in disposition of the case.

(b) An administrative action under this section does not constitute a formal adjudication of the matter, and may be taken by issuing the alleged violator—

(1) A “Warning Notice” which recites available facts and information about the incident or condition and indicates that it may have been a violation; or

(2) A “Letter of Correction” which confirms the FAA decision in the matter and states the necessary corrective action the alleged violator has taken or agrees to take. If the agreed corrective action is not fully completed, legal enforcement action may be taken.

§ 13.13 - Consent orders.

(a) At any time before the issuance of an order under this subpart, the official who issued the notice and the person subject to the notice may agree to dispose of the case by the issuance of a consent order by the official.

(b) A proposal for a consent order, submitted to the official who issued the notice, under this section must include—

(1) A proposed order;

(2) An admission of all jurisdictional facts;

(3) An express waiver of the right to further procedural steps and of all rights to judicial review; and

(4) An incorporation by reference of the notice and an acknowledgment that the notice may be used to construe the terms of the order.

(c) If the issuance of a consent order has been agreed upon after the filing of a request for hearing in accordance with subpart D of this part, the proposal for a consent order shall include a request to be filed with the Hearing Officer withdrawing the request for a hearing and requesting that the case be dismissed.

§ 13.14 - Civil penalties: General.

(a) Any person who violates any of the following statutory provisions, or any rule, regulation, or order issued thereunder, is subject to a civil penalty of not more than the amount specified in 49 U.S.C. chapter 463 for each violation:

(1) Chapter 401 (except sections 40103(a) and (d), 40105, 40116, and 40117);

(2) Chapter 441 (except section 44109);

(3) Section 44502(b) or (c);

(4) Chapter 447 (except sections 44717 and 44719-44723);

(5) Chapter 451;

(6) Sections 46301(b), 46302 (for a violation of 49 U.S.C. 46504), or 46318;

(7) Section 47107(b); or

(8) Sections 47528 through 47530.

(b) Any person who knowingly commits an act in violation of 49 U.S.C. chapter 51 or a regulation prescribed or order issued under that chapter, is subject to a civil penalty under 49 U.S.C. 5123.

(c) The minimum and maximum amounts of civil penalties for violations of the statutory provisions specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, or rules, regulations, or orders issued thereunder, are periodically adjusted for inflation in accordance with the formula established in 28 U.S.C. 2461 note and implemented in 14 CFR part 13, subpart H.

§ 13.15 - Civil penalties: Other than by administrative assessment.

(a) The FAA uses the procedures in this section when it seeks a civil penalty other than by the administrative assessment procedures in §§ 13.16 or 13.18.

(b) The authority of the Administrator, under 49 U.S.C. chapter 463, to seek a civil penalty for a violation cited in § 13.14(a), and the ability to refer cases to the United States Attorney General, or the delegate of the Attorney General, for prosecution of civil penalty actions sought by the Administrator is delegated to the Chief Counsel; the Deputy Chief Counsel for Operations; the Assistant Chief Counsel for Enforcement; the Assistant Chief Counsel, Europe, Africa, and Middle East Area Office; the Regional Counsel; the Aeronautical Center Counsel; and the Technical Center Counsel. This delegation applies to cases involving:

(1) An amount in controversy in excess of:

(i) $50,000, if the violation was committed by any person before December 12, 2003;

(ii) $400,000, if the violation was committed by a person other than an individual or small business concern on or after December 12, 2003;

(iii) $50,000, if the violation was committed by an individual or small business concern on or after December 12, 2003; or

(2) An in rem action, seizure of aircraft subject to lien, suit for injunctive relief, or for collection of an assessed civil penalty.

(c) The Administrator may compromise any civil penalty proposed under this section, before referral to the United States Attorney General, or the delegate of the Attorney General, for prosecution.

(1) The Administrator, through the Chief Counsel; the Deputy Chief Counsel for Operations; the Assistant Chief Counsel for Enforcement; the Assistant Chief Counsel, Europe, Africa, and Middle East Area Office; the Regional Counsel; the Aeronautical Center Counsel; or the Technical Center Counsel sends a civil penalty letter to the person charged with a violation cited in § 13.14(a). The civil penalty letter contains a statement of the charges, the applicable law, rule, regulation, or order, the amount of civil penalty that the Administrator will accept in full settlement of the action or an offer to compromise the civil penalty.

(2) Not later than 30 days after receipt of the civil penalty letter, the person charged with a violation may present any material or information in answer to the charges to the agency attorney, either orally or in writing, that may explain, mitigate, or deny the violation or that may show extenuating circumstances. The Administrator will consider any material or information submitted in accordance with this paragraph to determine whether the person is subject to a civil penalty or to determine the amount for which the Administrator will compromise the action.

(3) If the person charged with the violation offers to compromise for a specific amount, that person must send to the agency attorney a certified check or money order for that amount, payable to the Federal Aviation Administration. The Chief Counsel; the Deputy Chief Counsel for Operations; the Assistant Chief Counsel for Enforcement; the Assistant Chief Counsel, Europe, Africa, and Middle East Area Office; the Regional Counsel; Aeronautical Center Counsel; or the Technical Center Counsel may accept the certified check or money order or may refuse and return the certified check or money order.

(4) If the offer to compromise is accepted by the Administrator, the agency attorney will send a letter to the person charged with the violation stating that the certified check or money order is accepted in full settlement of the civil penalty action.

(5) If the parties cannot agree to compromise the civil penalty action or the offer to compromise is rejected and the certified check or money order submitted in compromise is returned, the Administrator may refer the civil penalty action to the United States Attorney General, or the delegate of the Attorney General, to begin proceedings in a United States district court, pursuant to the authority in 49 U.S.C. 46305, to prosecute and collect the civil penalty.

§ 13.16 - Civil Penalties: Administrative assessment against a person other than an individual acting as a pilot, flight engineer, mechanic, or repairman. Administrative assessment against all persons for hazardous materials violations.

(a) The FAA uses these procedures when it assesses a civil penalty against a person other than an individual acting as a pilot, flight engineer, mechanic, or repairman for a violation cited in the first sentence of 49 U.S.C. 46301(d)(2) or in 49 U.S.C. 47531, or any implementing rule, regulation or order.

(b) District court jurisdiction. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section, the United States district courts have exclusive jurisdiction of any civil penalty action initiated by the FAA for violations described in those paragraphs, under 49 U.S.C. 46301(d)(4), if—

(1) The amount in controversy is more than $50,000 for a violation committed by any person before December 12, 2003;

(2) The amount in controversy is more than $400,000 for a violation committed by a person other than an individual or small business concern on or after December 12, 2003;

(3) The amount in controversy is more than $50,000 for a violation committed by an individual or a small business concern on or after December 12, 2003;

(4) The action is in rem or another action in rem based on the same violation has been brought;

(5) The action involves an aircraft subject to a lien that has been seized by the Government; or

(6) Another action has been brought for an injunction based on the same violation.

(c) Hazardous materials violations. The FAA may assess a civil penalty against any person who knowingly commits an act in violation of 49 U.S.C. chapter 51 or a regulation prescribed or order issued under that chapter, under 49 U.S.C. 5123 and 49 CFR 1.47(k). An order assessing a civil penalty for a violation under 49 U.S.C. chapter 51, or a rule, regulation, or order issued thereunder, is issued only after the following factors have been considered:

(1) The nature, circumstances, extent, and gravity of the violation;

(2) With respect to the violator, the degree of culpability, any history of prior violations, the ability to pay, and any effect on the ability to continue to do business; and

(3) Such other matters as justice may require.

(d) Order assessing civil penalty. An order assessing civil penalty may be issued for a violation described in paragraphs (a) or (c) of this section, or as otherwise provided by statute, after notice and opportunity for a hearing. A person charged with a violation may be subject to an order assessing civil penalty in the following circumstances:

(1) An order assessing civil penalty may be issued if a person charged with a violation submits or agrees to submit a civil penalty for a violation.

(2) An order assessing civil penalty may be issued if a person charged with a violation does not request a hearing under paragraph (g)(2)(ii) of this section within 15 days after receipt of a final notice of proposed civil penalty.

(3) Unless an appeal is filed with the FAA decisionmaker in a timely manner, an initial decision or order of an administrative law judge shall be considered an order assessing civil penalty if an administrative law judge finds that an alleged violation occurred and determines that a civil penalty, in an amount found appropriate by the administrative law judge, is warranted.

(4) Unless a petition for review is filed with a U.S. Court of Appeals in a timely manner, a final decision and order of the Administrator shall be considered an order assessing civil penalty if the FAA decisionmaker finds that an alleged violation occurred and a civil penalty is warranted.

(e) Delegation of authority.

(1) The authority of the Administrator under 49 U.S.C. 46301(d), 47531, and 5123, and 49 CFR 1.47(k) to initiate and assess civil penalties for a violation of those statutes or a rule, regulation, or order issued thereunder, is delegated to the Deputy Chief Counsel for Operations; the Assistant Chief Counsel for Enforcement; the Assistant Chief Counsel, Europe, Africa, and Middle East Area Office; the Regional Counsel; the Aeronautical Center Counsel; and the Technical Center Counsel.

(2) The authority of the Administrator under 49 U.S.C. 5123, 49 CFR 1.47(k), 49 U.S.C. 46301(d), and 49 U.S.C. 46305 to refer cases to the Attorney General of the United States, or the delegate of the Attorney General, for collection of civil penalties is delegated to the Deputy Chief Counsel for Operations; the Assistant Chief Counsel for Enforcement; Assistant Chief Counsel, Europe, Africa, and Middle East Area Office; the Regional Counsel; the Aeronautical Center Counsel; and the Technical Center Counsel.

(3) The authority of the Administrator under 49 U.S.C. 46301(f) to compromise the amount of a civil penalty imposed is delegated to the Deputy Chief Counsel for Operations; the Assistant Chief Counsel for Enforcement; Assistant Chief Counsel, Europe, Africa, and Middle East Area Office; the Regional Counsel; the Aeronautical Center Counsel; and the Technical Center Counsel.

(4) The authority of the Administrator under 49 U.S.C. 5123 (e) and (f) and 49 CFR 1.47(k) to compromise the amount of a civil penalty imposed is delegated to the Deputy Chief Counsel for Operations; the Assistant Chief Counsel for Enforcement; Assistant Chief Counsel, Europe, Africa, and Middle East Area Office; the Regional Counsel; the Aeronautical Center Counsel; and the Technical Center Counsel.

(f) Notice of proposed civil penalty. A civil penalty action is initiated by sending a notice of proposed civil penalty to the person charged with a violation or to the agent for services for the person under 49 U.S.C. 46103. A notice of proposed civil penalty will be sent to the individual charged with a violation or to the president of the corporation or company charged with a violation. In response to a notice of proposed civil penalty, a corporation or company may designate in writing another person to receive documents in that civil penalty action. The notice of proposed civil penalty contains a statement of the charges and the amount of the proposed civil penalty. Not later than 30 days after receipt of the notice of proposed civil penalty, the person charged with a violation shall—

(1) Submit the amount of the proposed civil penalty or an agreed-upon amount, in which case either an order assessing civil penalty or compromise order shall be issued in that amount;

(2) Submit to the agency attorney one of the following:

(i) Written information, including documents and witness statements, demonstrating that a violation of the regulations did not occur or that a penalty or the amount of the penalty is not warranted by the circumstances.

(ii) A written request to reduce the proposed civil penalty, the amount of reduction, and the reasons and any documents supporting a reduction of the proposed civil penalty, including records indicating a financial inability to pay or records showing that payment of the proposed civil penalty would prevent the person from continuing in business.

(iii) A written request for an informal conference to discuss the matter with the agency attorney and to submit relevant information or documents; or

(3) Request a hearing, in which case a complaint shall be filed with the hearing docket clerk.

(g) Final notice of proposed civil penalty. A final notice of proposed civil penalty may be issued after participation in informal procedures provided in paragraph (f)(2) of this section or failure to respond in a timely manner to a notice of proposed civil penalty. A final notice of proposed civil penalty will be sent to the individual charged with a violation, to the president of the corporation or company charged with a violation, or a person previously designated in writing by the individual, corporation, or company to receive documents in that civil penalty action. If not previously done in response to a notice of proposed civil penalty, a corporation or company may designate in writing another person to receive documents in that civil penalty action. The final notice of proposed civil penalty contains a statement of the charges and the amount of the proposed civil penalty and, as a result of information submitted to the agency attorney during informal procedures, may modify an allegation or a proposed civil penalty contained in a notice of proposed civil penalty.

(1) A final notice of proposed civil penalty may be issued—

(i) If the person charged with a violation fails to respond to the notice of proposed civil penalty within 30 days after receipt of that notice; or

(ii) If the parties participated in any informal procedures under paragraph (f)(2) of this section and the parties have not agreed to compromise the action or the agency attorney has not agreed to withdraw the notice of proposed civil penalty.

(2) Not later than 15 days after receipt of the final notice of proposed civil penalty, the person charged with a violation shall do one of the following—

(i) Submit the amount of the proposed civil penalty or an agreed-upon amount, in which case either an order assessing civil penalty or a compromise order shall be issued in that amount; or

(ii) Request a hearing, in which case a complaint shall be filed with the hearing docket clerk.

(h) Request for a hearing. Any person charged with a violation may request a hearing, pursuant to paragraph (f)(3) or paragraph (g)(2)(ii) of this section, to be conducted in accordance with the procedures in subpart G of this part. A person requesting a hearing shall file a written request for a hearing with the hearing docket clerk, using the appropriate address set forth in § 13.210(a) of this part, and shall mail a copy of the request to the agency attorney. The request for a hearing may be in the form of a letter but must be dated and signed by the person requesting a hearing. The request for a hearing may be typewritten or may be legibly handwritten.

(i) Hearing. If the person charged with a violation requests a hearing pursuant to paragraph (f)(3) or paragraph (g)(2)(ii) of this section, the original complaint shall be filed with the hearing docket clerk and a copy shall be sent to the person requesting the hearing. The procedural rules in subpart G of this part apply to the hearing and any appeal. At the close of the hearing, the administrative law judge shall issue, either orally on the record or in writing, an initial decision, including the reasons for the decision, that contains findings or conclusions on the allegations contained, and the civil penalty sought, in the complaint.

(j) Appeal. Either party may appeal the administrative law judge's initial decision to the FAA decisionmaker pursuant to the procedures in subpart G of this part. If a party files a notice of appeal pursuant to § 13.233 of subpart G, the effectiveness of the initial decision is stayed until a final decision and order of the Administrator have been entered on the record. The FAA decisionmaker shall review the record and issue a final decision and order of the Administrator that affirm, modify, or reverse the initial decision. The FAA decisionmaker may assess a civil penalty but shall not assess a civil penalty in an amount greater than that sought in the complaint.

(k) Payment. A person shall pay a civil penalty by sending a certified check or money order, payable to the Federal Aviation Administration, to the agency attorney.

(l) Collection of civil penalties. If an individual does not pay a civil penalty imposed by an order assessing civil penalty or other final order, the Administrator may take action provided under the law to collect the penalty.

(m) A party may seek review only of a final decision and order of the FAA decisionmaker involving a violation of the Federal aviation statute or the Federal hazardous materials transportation law. Judicial review is in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit or the United States court of appeals for the circuit in which the party resides or has the party's principal place of business as provided in § 13.235 of this part. Neither an initial decision or an order issued by an administrative law judge that has not been appealed to the FAA decisionmaker, nor an order compromising a civil penalty action, may be appealed under any of those sections.

(n) Compromise. The FAA may compromise the amount of any civil penalty imposed under this section, under 49 U.S.C. 5123(e), 46031(f), 46303(b), or 46318 at any time before referring the action to the United States Attorney General, or the delegate of the Attorney General, for collection.

(1) An agency attorney may compromise any civil penalty action where a person charged with a violation agrees to pay a civil penalty and the FAA agrees not to make a finding of violation. Under such agreement, a compromise order is issued following the payment of the agreed-on amount or the signing of a promissory note. The compromise order states the following:

(i) The person has paid a civil penalty or has signed a promissory note providing for installment payments.

(ii) The FAA makes no finding of a violation.

(iii) The compromise order shall not be used as evidence of a prior violation in any subsequent civil penalty proceeding or certificate action proceeding.

(2) An agency attorney may compromise the amount of a civil penalty proposed in a notice, assessed in an order, or imposed in a compromise order.

§ 13.17 - Seizure of aircraft.

(a) Under section 903 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. 1473), a State or Federal law enforcement officer, or a Federal Aviation Administration safety inspector, authorized in an order of seizure issued by the Regional Administrator of the region, or by the Chief Counsel, may summarily seize an aircraft that is involved in a violation for which a civil penalty may be imposed on its owner or operator.

(b) Each person seizing an aircraft under this section shall place it in the nearest available and adequate public storage facility in the judicial district in which it was seized.

(c) The Regional Administrator or Chief Counsel, without delay, sends a written notice and a copy of this section, to the registered owner of the seized aircraft, and to each other persons shown by FAA records to have an interest in it, stating the—

(1) Time, date, and place of seizure;

(2) Name and address of the custodian of the aircraft;

(3) Reasons for the seizure, including the violations believed, or judicially determined, to have been committed; and

(4) Amount that may be tendered as—

(i) A compromise of a civil penalty for the alleged violation; or

(ii) Payment for a civil penalty imposed by a Federal court for a proven violation.

(d) The Chief Counsel, or the Regional Counsel or Assistant Chief Counsel for the region or area in which an aircraft is seized under this section, immediately sends a report to the United States District Attorney for the judicial district in which it was seized, requesting the District Attorney to institute proceedings to enforce a lien against the aircraft.

(e) The Regional Administrator or Chief Counsel directs the release of a seized aircraft whenever—

(1) The alleged violator pays a civil penalty or an amount agreed upon in compromise, and the costs of seizing, storing, and maintaining the aircraft;

(2) The aircraft is seized under an order of a Federal Court in proceedings in rem to enforce a lien against the aircraft, or the United States District Attorney for the judicial district concerned notifies the FAA that the District Attorney refuses to institute those proceedings; or

(3) A bond in the amount and with the sureties prescribed by the Chief Counsel, the Regional Counsel, or the Assistant Chief Counsel is deposited, conditioned on payment of the penalty, or the compromise amount, and the costs of seizing, storing, and maintaining the aircraft.

§ 13.18 - Civil penalties: Administrative assessment against an individual acting as a pilot, flight engineer, mechanic, or repairman.

(a) General.

(1) This section applies to each action in which the FAA seeks to assess a civil penalty by administrative procedures against an individual acting as a pilot, flight engineer, mechanic, or repairman, under 49 U.S.C. 46301(d)(5), for a violation listed in 49 U.S.C. 46301(d)(2). This section does not apply to a civil penalty assessed for violation of 49 U.S.C. chapter 51, or a rule, regulation, or order issued thereunder.

(2) District court jurisdiction. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a)(1) of this section, the United States district courts have exclusive jurisdiction of any civil penalty action involving an individual acting as a pilot, flight engineer, mechanic, or repairman for violations described in that paragraph, under 49 U.S.C. 46301(d)(4), if:

(i) The amount in controversy is more than $50,000.

(ii) The action involves an aircraft subject to a lien that has been seized by the Government; or

(iii) Another action has been brought for an injunction based on the same violation.

(b) Definitions. As used in this part, the following definitions apply:

(1) Flight engineer means an individual who holds a flight engineer certificate issued under part 63 of this chapter.

(2) Individual acting as a pilot, flight engineer, mechanic, or repairman means an individual acting in such capacity, whether or not that individual holds the respective airman certificate issued by the FAA.

(3) Mechanic means an individual who holds a mechanic certificate issued under part 65 of this chapter.

(4) Pilot means an individual who holds a pilot certificate issued under part 61 of this chapter.

(5) Repairman means an individual who holds a repairman certificate issued under part 65 of this chapter.

(c) Delegation of authority.

(1) The authority of the Administrator under 49 U.S.C. 46301(d)(5), to initiate and assess civil penalties is delegated to the Chief Counsel; the Deputy Chief Counsel for Operations; the Assistant Chief Counsel for Enforcement; Assistant Chief Counsel, Europe, Africa, and Middle East Area Office; the Regional Counsel; the Aeronautical Center Counsel; and the Technical Center Counsel.

(2) The authority of the Administrator to refer cases to the Attorney General of the United States, or the delegate of the Attorney General, for collection of civil penalties is delegated to the Chief Counsel; the Deputy Chief Counsel for Operations; the Assistant Chief Counsel for Enforcement; Assistant Chief Counsel, Europe, Africa, and Middle East Area Office; the Regional Counsel; the Aeronautical Center Counsel; and the Technical Center Counsel.

(3) The authority of the Administrator to compromise the amount of a civil penalty under 49 U.S.C. 46301(f) is delegated to the Chief Counsel; the Deputy Chief Counsel for Operations; the Assistant Chief Counsel for Enforcement; Assistant Chief Counsel, Europe, Africa, and Middle East Area Office; the Regional Counsel; the Aeronautical Center Counsel; and the Technical Center Counsel.

(d) Notice of proposed assessment. A civil penalty action is initiated by sending a notice of proposed assessment to the individual charged with a violation specified in paragraph (a) of this section. The notice of proposed assessment contains a statement of the charges and the amount of the proposed civil penalty. The individual charged with a violation may do the following:

(1) Submit the amount of the proposed civil penalty or an agreed-on amount, in which case either an order of assessment or a compromise order will be issued in that amount.

(2) Answer the charges in writing.

(3) Submit a written request for an informal conference to discuss the matter with an agency attorney and submit relevant information or documents.

(4) Request that an order be issued in accordance with the notice of proposed assessment so that the individual charged may appeal to the National Transportation Safety Board.

(e) Failure to respond to notice of proposed assessment. An order of assessment may be issued if the individual charged with a violation fails to respond to the notice of proposed assessment within 15 days after receipt of that notice.

(f) Order of assessment. An order of assessment, which assesses a civil penalty, may be issued for a violation described in paragraph (a) of this section after notice and an opportunity to answer any charges and be heard as to why such order should not be issued.

(g) Appeal. Any individual who receives an order of assessment issued under this section may appeal the order to the National Transportation Safety Board. The appeal stays the effectiveness of the Administrator's order.

(h) Exhaustion of administrative remedies. An individual substantially affected by an order of the NTSB or the Administrator may petition for review only of a final decision and order of the National Transportation Safety Board to a court of appeals of the United States for the circuit in which the individual charged resides or has his or her principal place of business or the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, under 49 U.S.C. 46110 and 46301(d)(6). Neither an order of assessment that has not been appealed to the National Transportation Board, nor an order compromising a civil penalty action, may be appealed under those sections.

(i) Compromise. The FAA may compromise any civil penalty action initiated under this section, in accordance with 49 U.S.C. 46301(f).

(1) An agency attorney may compromise any civil penalty action where an individual charged with a violation agrees to pay a civil penalty and the FAA agrees to make no finding of violation. Under such agreement, a compromise order is issued following the payment of the agreed-on amount or the signing of a promissory note. The compromise order states the following:

(i) The individual has paid a civil penalty or has signed a promissory note providing for installment payments;

(ii) The FAA makes no finding of violation; and

(iii) The compromise order will not be used as evidence of a prior violation in any subsequent civil penalty proceeding or certificate action proceeding.

(2) An agency attorney may compromise the amount of any civil penalty proposed or assessed in an order.

(j) Payment.

(1) An individual must pay a civil penalty by:

(i) Sending a certified check or money order, payable to the Federal Aviation Administration, to the FAA office identified in the order of assessment, or

(ii) Making an electronic funds transfer according to the directions specified in the order of assessment.

(2) The civil penalty must be paid within 30 days after service of the order of assessment, unless an appeal is filed with the National Transportation Safety Board. The civil penalty must be paid within 30 days after a final order of the Board or the Court of Appeals affirms the order of assessment in whole or in part.

(k) Collection of civil penalties. If an individual does not pay a civil penalty imposed by an order of assessment or other final order, the Administrator may take action provided under the law to collect the penalty.

§ 13.19 - Certificate action.

(a) Under section 609 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. 1429), the Administrator may reinspect any civil aircraft, aircraft engine, propeller, appliance, air navigation facility, or air agency, and may re-examine any civil airman. Under section 501(e) of the FA Act, any Certificate of Aircraft Registration may be suspended or revoked by the Administrator for any cause that renders the aircraft ineligible for registration.

(b) If, as a result of such a reinspection re-examination, or other investigation made by the Administrator under section 609 of the FA Act, the Administrator determines that the public interest and safety in air commerce requires it, the Administrator may issue an order amending, suspending, or revoking, all or part of any type certificate, production certificate, airworthiness certificate, airman certificate, air carrier operating certificate, air navigation facility certificate, or air agency certificate. This authority may be exercised for remedial purposes in cases involving the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act (49 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.) or regulations issued under that Act. This authority is also exercised by the Chief Counsel, the Assistant Chief Counsel, Enforcement, the Assistant Chief Counsel, Regulations, the Assistant Chief Counsel, Europe, Africa, and Middle East Area Office, each Regional Counsel, and the Aeronautical Center Counsel. If the Administrator finds that any aircraft registered under Part 47 of this chapter is ineligible for registration, the Administrator issues an order suspending or revoking that certificate. This authority as to aircraft found ineligible for registration is also exercised by each Regional Counsel, the Aeronautical Center Counsel, and the Assistant Chief Counsel, Europe, Africa, and Middle East Area Office.

(c) Before issuing an order under paragraph (b) of this section, the Chief Counsel, the Assistant Chief Counsel, Enforcement, the Assistant Chief Counsel, Regulations, the Assistant Chief Counsel, Europe, Africa, and Middle East Area Office, each Regional Counsel, or the Aeronautical Center Counsel advises the certificate holder of the charges or other reasons upon which the Administrator bases the proposed action and, except in an emergency, allows the holder to answer any charges and to be heard as to why the certificate should not be amended, suspended, or revoked. The holder may, by checking the appropriate box on the form that is sent to the holder with the notice of proposed certificate action, elect to—

(1) Admit the charges and surrender his or her certificate;

(2) Answer the charges in writing;

(3) Request that an order be issued in accordance with the notice of proposed certificate action so that the certificate holder may appeal to the National Transportation Safety Board, if the charges concerning a matter under Title VI of the FA Act;

(4) Request an opportunity to be heard in an informal conference with the FAA counsel; or

(5) Request a hearing in accordance with Subpart D of this part if the charges concern a matter under Title V of the FA Act.

(d) Any person whose certificate is affected by an order issued under this section may appeal to the National Transportation Safety Board. If the certificate holder files an appeal with the Board, the Administrator's order is stayed unless the Administrator advises the Board that an emergency exists and safety in air commerce requires that the order become effective immediately. If the Board is so advised, the order remains effective and the Board shall finally dispose of the appeal within 60 days after the date of the advice. This paragraph does not apply to any person whose Certificate of Aircraft Registration is affected by an order issued under this section.

§ 13.20 - Orders of compliance, cease and desist orders, orders of denial, and other orders.

(a) This section applies to orders of compliance, cease and desist orders, orders of denial, and other orders issued by the Administrator to carry out the provisions of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended, the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970, and the Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982, or the Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982 as amended by the Airport and Airway Safety and Capacity Expansion Act of 1987. This section does not apply to orders issued pursuant to section 602 or section 609 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended.

(b) Unless the Administrator determines that an emergency exists and safety in air commerce requires the immediate issuance of an order under this section, the person subject to the order shall be provided with notice prior to issuance.

(c) Within 30 days after service of the notice, the person subject to the order may”

(1) Request an opportunity to be heard in an informal conference with an FAA attorney;

(2) Reply in writing; or

(3) Request a hearing in accordance with subpart D of this part.

(d) If an informal conference is held or a reply is filed, as to any charges not withdrawn or not subject to a consent order, the person subject to the order may, within 10 days after receipt of notice that the remaining charges are not withdrawn, request a hearing in accordance with subpart D of this part.

(e) Failure to request a hearing within the period provided in paragraphs (c) or (d) of this section—

(1) Constitutes a waiver of the right to appeal and the right to a hearing, and

(2) Authorizes the official who issued the notice to find the facts to be as alleged in the notice, or as modified as the official may determine necessary based on any written response, and to issue an appropriate order, without further notice or proceedings.

(f) If a hearing is requested in accordance with paragraph (c) or (d) of this section, the procedure of Subpart D of this part applies. At the close of the hearing, the Hearing Officer, on the record or subsequently in writing, shall set forth findings and conclusions and the reasons therefor, and either—

(1) Dismiss the notice; or

(2) Issue an order.

(g) Any party to the hearing may appeal from the order of the Hearing Officer by filing a notice of appeal with the Administrator within 20 days after the date of issuance of the order.

(h) If a notice of appeal is not filed from the order issued by a Hearing Officer, such order is the final agency order.

(i) Any person filing an appeal authorized by paragraph (g) of this section shall file an appeal brief with the Administrator within 40 days after the date of issuance of the order, and serve a copy on the other party. A reply brief must be filed within 20 days after service of the appeal brief and a copy served on the appellant.

(j) On appeal the Administrator reviews the available record of the proceeding, and issues an order dismissing, reversing, modifying or affirming the order. The Administrator's order includes the reasons for the Administrator's action.

(k) For good cause shown, requests for extensions of time to file any document under this section may be granted by—

(1) The official who issued the order, if the request is filed prior to the designation of a Hearing Officer; or

(2) The Hearing Officer, if the request is filed prior to the filing of a notice of appeal; or

(3) The Administrator, if the request is filed after the filing of a notice of appeal.

(l) Except in the case of an appeal from the decision of a Hearing Officer, the authority of the Administrator under this section is also exercised by the Chief Counsel, Deputy Chief Counsel, each Assistant Chief Counsel, each Regional Counsel, and the Aeronautical Center Counsel (as to matters under Title V of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958).

(m) Filing and service of documents under this section shall be accomplished in accordance with § 13.43; and the periods of time specified in this section shall be computed in accordance with § 13.44.

§ 13.21 - Military personnel.

If a report made under this part indicates that, while performing official duties, a member of the Armed Forces, or a civilian employee of the Department of Defense who is subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (10 U.S.C. Ch. 47), has violated the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, or a regulation or order issued under it, the Chief Counsel, the Assistant Chief Counsel, Enforcement, the Assistant Chief Counsel, Regulations, the Assistant Chief Counsel, Europe, Africa, and Middle East Area Office, each Regional Counsel, and the Aeronautical Center Counsel send a copy of the report to the appropriate military authority for such disciplinary action as that authority considers appropriate and a report to the Administrator thereon.

§ 13.23 - Criminal penalties.

(a) Sections 902 and 1203 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. 1472 and 1523), provide criminal penalties for any person who knowingly and willfully violates specified provisions of that Act, or any regulation or order issued under those provisions. Section 110(b) of the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act (49 U.S.C. 1809(b)) provides for a criminal penalty of a fine of not more than $25,000, imprisonment for not more than five years, or both, for any person who willfully violates a provision of that Act or a regulation or order issued under it.

(b) If an inspector or other employee of the FAA becomes aware of a possible violation of any criminal provision of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (except a violation of section 902 (i) through (m) which is reported directly to the Federal Bureau of Investigation), or of the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, relating to the transportation or shipment by air of hazardous materials, he or she shall report it to the Office of the Chief Counsel or the Regional Counsel or Assistant Chief Counsel for the region or area concerned. If appropriate, that office refers the report to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution of the offender. If such an inspector or other employee becomes aware of a possible violation of a Federal statute that is within the investigatory jurisdiction of another Federal agency, he or she shall immediately report it to that agency according to standard FAA practices.

§ 13.25 - Injunctions.

(a) Whenever it is determined that a person has engaged, or is about to engage, in any act or practice constituting a violation of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, or any regulation or order issued under it for which the FAA exercises enforcement responsibility, or, with respect to the transportation or shipment by air of any hazardous materials, in any act or practice constituting a violation of the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, or any regulation or order issued under it for which the FAA exercises enforcement responsibility, the Chief Counsel, the Assistant Chief Counsel, Enforcement, the Assistant Chief Counsel, Regulations, the Assistant Chief Counsel, Europe, Africa, and Middle East Area Office, each Regional Counsel, and the Aeronautical Center Counsel may request the United States Attorney General, or the delegate of the Attorney General, to bring an action in the appropriate United States District Court for such relief as is necessary or appropriate, including mandatory or prohibitive injunctive relief, interim equitable relief, and punitive damages, as provided by section 1007 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. 1487) and section 111(a) of the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act (49 U.S.C. 1810).

(b) Whenever it is determined that there is substantial likelihood that death, serious illness, or severe personal injury, will result from the transportation by air of a particular hazardous material before an order of compliance proceeding, or other administrative hearing or formal proceeding to abate the risk of the harm can be completed, the Chief Counsel, the Assistant Chief Counsel, Enforcement, the Assistant Chief Counsel, Regulations, the Assistant Chief Counsel, Europe, Africa, and Middle East Area Office, each Regional Counsel, and the Aeronautical Center Counsel may bring, or request the United States Attorney General to bring, an action in the appropriate United States District Court for an order suspending or restricting the transportation by air of the hazardous material or for such other order as is necessary to eliminate or ameliorate the imminent hazard, as provided by section 111(b) of the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act (49 U.S.C. 1810).

§ 13.27 - Final order of Hearing Officer in certificate of aircraft registration proceedings.

(a) If, in proceedings under section 501(b) of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. 1401), the Hearing Officer determines that the aircraft is ineligible for a Certificate of Aircraft Registration, the Hearing Officer shall suspend or revoke the respondent's certificate, as proposed in the notice of proposed certificate action.

(b) If the final order of the Hearing Officer makes a decision on the merits, it shall contain a statement of the findings and conclusions of law on all material issues of fact and law. If the Hearing Officer finds that the allegations of the notice have been proven, but that no sanction is required, the Hearing Officer shall make appropriate findings and issue an order terminating the notice. If the Hearing Officer finds that the allegations of the notice have not been proven, the Hearing Officer shall issue an order dismissing the notice. If the Hearing Officer finds it to be equitable and in the public interest, the Hearing Officer shall issue an order terminating the proceeding upon payment by the respondent of a civil penalty in an amount agreed upon by the parties.

(c) If the order is issued in writing, it shall be served upon the parties.

§ 13.29 - Civil penalties: Streamlined enforcement procedures for certain security violations.

This section may be used, at the agency's discretion, in enforcement actions involving individuals presenting dangerous or deadly weapons for screening at airports or in checked baggage where the amount of the proposed civil penalty is less than $5,000. In these cases, sections 13.16(a), 13.16(c), and 13.16 (f) through (l) of this chapter are used, as well as paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section:

(a) Delegation of authority. The authority of the Administrator, under 49 U.S.C. 46301, to initiate the assessment of civil penalties for a violation of 49 U.S.C. Subtitle VII, or a rule, regulation, or order issued thereunder, is delegated to the regional Civil Aviation Security Division Manager and the regional Civil Aviation Security Deputy Division Manager for the purpose of issuing notices of violation in cases involving violations of 49 U.S.C. Subtitle VII and the FAA's regulations by individuals presenting dangerous or deadly weapons for screening at airport checkpoints or in checked baggage. This authority may not be delegated below the level of the regional Civil Aviation Security Deputy Division Manager.

(b) Notice of violation. A civil penalty action is initiated by sending a notice of violation to the person charged with the violation. The notice of violation contains a statement of the charges and the amount of the proposed civil penalty. Not later than 30 days after receipt of the notice of violation, the person charged with a violation shall:

(1) Submit the amount of the proposed civil penalty or an agreed-upon amount, in which case either an order assessing a civil penalty or a compromise order shall be issued in that amount; or

(2) Submit to the agency attorney identified in the material accompanying the notice any of the following:

(i) Written information, including documents and witness statements, demonstrating that a violation of the regulations did not occur or that a penalty or the penalty amount is not warranted by the circumstances; or

(ii) A written request to reduce the proposed civil penalty, the amount of reduction, and the reasons and any documents supporting a reduction of the proposed civil penalty, including records indicating a financial inability to pay or records showing that payment of the proposed civil penalty would prevent the person from continuing in business; or

(iii) A written request for an informal conference to discuss the matter with an agency attorney and submit relevant information or documents; or

(3) Request a hearing in which case a complaint shall be filed with the hearing docket clerk.

(c) Final notice of violation and civil penalty assessment order. A final notice of violation and civil penalty assessment order (“final notice and order”) may be issued after participation in any informal proceedings as provided in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, or after failure of the respondent to respond in a timely manner to a notice of violation. A final notice and order will be sent to the individual charged with a violation. The final notice and order will contain a statement of the charges and the amount of the proposed civil penalty and, as a result of information submitted to the agency attorney during any informal procedures, may reflect a modified allegation or proposed civil penalty.

A final notice and order may be issued—

(1) If the person charged with a violation fails to respond to the notice of violation within 30 days after receipt of that notice; or

(2) If the parties participated in any informal procedures under paragraph (b)(2) of this section and the parties have not agreed to compromise the action or the agency attorney has not agreed to withdraw the notice of violation.

(d) Order assessing civil penalty. An order assessing civil penalty may be issued after notice and opportunity for a hearing. A person charged with a violation may be subject to an order assessing civil penalty in the following circumstances:

(1) An order assessing civil penalty may be issued if a person charged with a violation submits, or agrees to submit, the amount of civil penalty proposed in the notice of violation.

(2) An order assessing civil penalty may be issued if a person charged with a violation submits, or agrees to submit, an agreed-upon amount of civil penalty that is not reflected in either the notice of violation or the final notice and order.

(3) The final notice and order becomes (and contains a statement so indicating) an order assessing a civil penalty when the person charged with a violation submits the amount of the proposed civil penalty that is reflected in the final notice and order.

(4) The final notice and order becomes (and contains a statement so indicating) an order assessing a civil penalty 16 days after receipt of the final notice and order, unless not later than 15 days after receipt of the final notice and order, the person charged with a violation does one of the following—

(i) Submits an agreed-upon amount of civil penalty that is not reflected in the final notice and order, in which case an order assessing civil penalty or a compromise order shall be issued in that amount; or

(ii) Requests a hearing in which case a complaint shall be filed with the hearing docket clerk.

(5) Unless an appeal is filed with the FAA decisionmaker in a timely manner, an initial decision or order of an administrative law judge shall be considered an order assessing civil penalty if an administrative law judge finds that an alleged violation occurred and determines that a civil penalty, in an amount found to be appropriate by the administrative law judge, is warranted.

(6) Unless a petition for review is filed with a U.S. Court of Appeals in a timely manner, a final decision and order of the Administrator shall be considered an order assessing civil penalty if the FAA decisionmaker finds that an alleged violation occurred and a civil penalty is warranted.

§ 13.31 - Applicability.

This subpart applies to proceedings in which a hearing has been requested in accordance with §§ 13.19(c)(5), 13.20(c), 13.20(d), 13.75(a)(2), 13.75(b), or 13.81(e).

§ 13.33 - Appearances.

Any party to a proceeding under this subpart may appear and be heard in person or by attorney.

§ 13.35 - Request for hearing.

(a) A request for hearing must be made in writing and filed in the Hearing Docket.

(1) If delivery is in person, or by expedited courier service. A person delivering the request for hearing in person or sending the request for hearing by commercial expedited courier (for example, Federal Express or United Parcel Service), should use the following address: Federal Aviation Administration, 600 Independence Avenue, SW., Wilbur Wright Building—Suite 2W1000, Washington, DC 20591; Attention: Hearing Docket Clerk, AGC-430.

(2) If delivery is by U.S. Mail: If the request for hearing is sent by U.S. Mail, then it should be addressed as follows: Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20591: Attention: Hearing Docket Clerk, AGC-430, Wilbur Wright Building—Suite 2W1000.

(b) The request for hearing must describe the action proposed by the FAA, and must contain a statement that a hearing is requested. A copy of the request for hearing and a copy of the answer required by paragraph (c) of this section must be served on the official who issued the notice of proposed action.

(c) An answer to the notice of proposed action must be filed with the request for hearing. All allegations in the notice not specifically denied in the answer are deemed admitted.

(d) Within 15 days after service of the copy of the request for hearing, the official who issued the notice of proposed action forwards a copy of that notice, which serves as the complaint, to the Hearing Docket.

§ 13.37 - Hearing Officer's powers.

Any Hearing Officer may—

(a) Give notice concerning, and hold, prehearing conferences and hearings;

(b) Administrator oaths and affirmations;

(c) Examine witnesses;

(d) Adopt procedures for the submission of evidence in written form;

(e) Issue subpoenas and take depositions or cause them to be taken;

(f) Rule on offers of proof;

(g) Receive evidence;

(h) Regulate the course of the hearing;

(i) Hold conferences, before and during the hearing, to settle and simplify issues by consent of the parties;

(j) Dispose of procedural requests and similar matters; and

(k) Issue decisions, make findings of fact, make assessments, and issue orders, as appropriate.

§ 13.39 - Disqualification of Hearing Officer.

If disqualified for any reason, the Hearing Officer shall withdraw from the case.

§ 13.41 -

§ 13.43 - Service and filing of pleadings, motions, and documents.

(a) Copies of all pleadings, motions, and documents filed with the Hearing Docket must be served upon all parties to the proceedings by the person filing them.

(b) Service may be made by personal delivery or by mail.

(c) A certificate of service shall accompany all documents when they are tendered for filing and shall consist of a certificate of personal delivery or a certificate of mailing, executed by the person making the personal delivery or mailing the document.

(d) Whenever proof of service by mail is made, the date of mailing or the date as shown on the postmark shall be the date of service, and where personal service is made, the date of personal delivery shall be the date of service.

(e) The date of filing is the date the document is actually received.

§ 13.44 - Computation of time and extension of time.

(a) In computing any period of time prescribed or allowed by this subpart, the date of the act, event, default, notice or order after which the designated period of time begins to run is not to be included in the computation. The last day of the period so computed is to be included unless it is a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday for the FAA, in which event the period runs until the end of the next day which is neither a Saturday, Sunday nor a legal holiday.

(b) Upon written request filed with the Hearing Docket and served upon all parties, and for good cause shown, a Hearing Officer may grant an extension of time to file any documents specified in this subpart.

§ 13.45 - Amendment of notice and answer.

At any time more than 10 days before the date of hearing, any party may amend his or her notice, answer, or other pleading, by filing the amendment with the Hearing Officer and serving a copy of it on each other party. After that time, amendments may be allowed only in the discretion of the Hearing Officer. If an amendment to an initial pleading has been allowed, the Hearing Officer shall allow the other parties a reasonable opportunity to answer.

§ 13.47 - Withdrawal of notice or request for hearing.

At any time before the hearing, the FAA counsel may withdraw the notice of proposed action, and the party requesting the hearing may withdraw the request for hearing.

§ 13.49 - Motions.

(a) Motion to dismiss for insufficiency. A respondent who requests a formal hearing may, in place of an answer, file a motion to dismiss for failure of the allegations in the notice of proposed action to state a violation of the FA Act or of this chapter or to show lack of qualification of the respondent. If the Hearing Officer denies the motion, the respondent shall file an answer within 10 days.

(b) [Reserved]

(c) Motion for more definite statement. The certificate holder may, in place of an answer, file a motion that the allegations in the notice be made more definite and certain. If the Hearing Officer grants the motion, the FAA counsel shall comply within 10 days after the date it is granted. If the Hearing Officer denies the motion the certificate holder shall file an answer within 10 days after the date it is denied.

(d) Motion for judgment on the pleadings. After the pleadings are closed, either party may move for a judgment on the pleadings.

(e) Motion to strike. Upon motion of either party, the Hearing Officer may order stricken, from any pleadings, any insufficient allegation or defense, or any immaterial, impertinent, or scandalous matter.

(f) Motion for production of documents. Upon motion of any party showing good cause, the Hearing Officer may, in the manner provided by Rule 34, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, order any party to produce any designated document, paper, book, account, letter, photograph, object, or other tangible thing, that is not privileged, that constitutes or contains evidence relevant to the subject matter of the hearings, and that is in the party's possession, custody, or control.

(g) Consolidation of motions. A party who makes a motion under this section shall join with it all other motions that are then available to the party. Any objection that is not so raised is considered to be waived.

(h) Answers to motions. Any party may file an answer to any motion under this section within 5 days after service of the motion.

§ 13.51 - Intervention.

Any person may move for leave to intervene in a proceeding and may become a party thereto, if the Hearing Officer, after the case is sent to the Hearing Officer for hearing, finds that the person may be bound by the order to be issued in the proceedings or has a property or financial interest that may not be adequately represented by existing parties, and that the intervention will not unduly broaden the issues or delay the proceedings. Except for good cause shown, a motion for leave to intervene may not be considered if it is filed less than 10 days before the hearing.

§ 13.53 - Depositions.

After the respondent has filed a request for hearing and an answer, either party may take testimony by deposition in accordance with section 1004 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. 1484) or Rule 26, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.

§ 13.55 - Notice of hearing.

The Hearing Officer shall set a reasonable date, time, and place for the hearing, and shall give the parties adequate notice thereof and of the nature of the hearing. Due regard shall be given to the convenience of the parties with respect to the place of the hearing.

§ 13.57 - Subpoenas and witness fees.

(a) The Hearing Officer to whom a case is assigned may, upon application by any party to the proceeding, issue subpoenas requiring the attendance of witnesses or the production of documentary or tangible evidence at a hearing or for the purpose of taking depositions. However, the application for producing evidence must show its general relevance and reasonable scope. This paragraph does not apply to the attendance of FAA employees or to the production of documentary evidence in the custody of such an employee at a hearing.

(b) A person who applies for the production of a document in the custody of an FAA employee must follow the procedure in § 13.49(f). A person who applies for the attendance of an FAA employee must send the application, in writing, to the Hearing Officer setting forth the need for that employee's attendance.

(c) A witness in a proceeding under this subpart is entitled to the same fees and mileage as is paid to a witness in a court of the United States under comparable circumstances. The party at whose instance the witness is subpoenaed or appears shall pay the witness fees.

(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (c) of this section, the FAA pays the witness fees and mileage if the Hearing Officer who issued the subpoena determines, on the basis of a written request and good cause shown, that—

(1) The presence of the witness will materially advance the proceeding; and

(2) The party at whose instance the witness is subpoenaed would suffer a serious hardship if required to pay the witness fees and mileage.

§ 13.59 - Evidence.

(a) Each party to a hearing may present the party's case or defense by oral or documentary evidence, submit evidence in rebuttal, and conduct such cross-examination as may be needed for a full disclosure of the facts.

(b) Except with respect to affirmative defenses and orders of denial, the burden of proof is upon the FAA counsel.

(c) The Hearing Officer may order information contained in any report or document filed or in any testimony given pursuant to this subpart withheld from public disclosure when, in the judgment of the Hearing Officer, disclosure would adversely affect the interests of any person and is not required in the public interest or is not otherwise required by statute to be made available to the public. Any person may make written objection to the public disclosure of such information, stating the ground for such objection.

§ 13.61 - Argument and submittals.

The Hearing Officer shall give the parties adequate opportunity to present arguments in support of motions, objections, and the final order. The Hearing Officer may determine whether arguments are to be oral or written. At the end of the hearing the Hearing Officer may, in the discretion of the Hearing Officer, allow each party to submit written proposed findings and conclusions and supporting reasons for them.

§ 13.63 - Record.

The testimony and exhibits presented at a hearing, together with all papers, requests, and rulings filed in the proceedings are the exclusive basis for the issuance of an order. Either party may obtain a transcript from the official reporter upon payment of the fees fixed therefor.

§ 13.71 - Applicability.

Whenever the Chief Counsel, the Assistant Chief Counsel, Enforcement, the Assistant Chief Counsel, Europe, Africa, and Middle East Area Office, or a Regional Counsel has reason to believe that a person is engaging in the transportation or shipment by air of hazardous materials in violation of the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, or any regulation or order issued under it for which the FAA exercises enforcement responsibility, and the circumstances do not require the issuance of an order of immediate compliance, he may conduct proceedings pursuant to section 109 of that Act (49 U.S.C. 1808) to determine the nature and extent of the violation, and may thereafter issue an order directing compliance.

§ 13.73 - Notice of proposed order of compliance.

A compliance order proceeding commences when the Chief Counsel, the Assistant Chief Counsel, Enforcement, the Assistant Chief Counsel, Europe, Africa, and Middle East Area Office, or a Regional Counsel sends the alleged violator a notice of proposed order of compliance advising the alleged violator of the charges and setting forth the remedial action sought in the form of a proposed order of compliance.

§ 13.75 - Reply or request for hearing.

(a) Within 30 days after service upon the alleged violator of a notice of proposed order of compliance, the alleged violator may—

(1) File a reply in writing with the official who issued the notice; or

(2) Request a hearing in accordance with subpart D of this part.

(b) If a reply is filed, as to any charges not dismissed or not subject to a consent order of compliance, the alleged violator may, within 10 days after receipt of notice that the remaining charges are not dismissed, request a hearing in accordance with subpart D of this part.

(c) Failure of the alleged violator to file a reply or request a hearing within the period provided in paragraph (a) or (b) of this section—

(1) Constitutes a waiver of the right to a hearing and the right to an appeal, and

(2) Authorizes the official who issued the notice to find the facts to be as alleged in the notice and to issue an appropriate order directing compliance, without further notice or proceedings.

§ 13.77 - Consent order of compliance.

(a) At any time before the issuance of an order of compliance, the official who issued the notice and the alleged violator may agree to dispose of the case by the issuance of a consent order of compliance by the official.

(b) A proposal for a consent order submitted to the official who issued the notice under this section must include—

(1) A proposed order of compliance;

(2) An admission of all jurisdictional facts;

(3) An express waiver of right to further procedural steps and of all rights to judicial review;

(4) An incorporation by reference of the notice and an acknowledgement that the notice may be used to construe the terms of the order of compliance; and

(5) If the issuance of a consent order has been agreed upon after the filing of a request for hearing in accordance with subpart D of this part, the proposal for a consent order shall include a request to be filed with the Hearing Officer withdrawing the request for a hearing and requesting that the case be dismissed.

§ 13.79 - Hearing.

If an alleged violator requests a hearing in accordance with § 13.75, the procedure of subpart D of this part applies. At the close of the hearing, the Hearing Officer, on the record or subsequently in writing, sets forth the Hearing Officer's findings and conclusion and the reasons therefor, and either—

(a) Dismisses the notice of proposed order of compliance; or

(b) Issues an order of compliance.

§ 13.81 - Order of immediate compliance.

(a) Notwithstanding §§ 13.73 through 13.79, the Chief Counsel, the Assistant Chief Counsel, Enforcement, the Assistant Chief Counsel, Europe, Africa, and Middle East Area Office, or a Regional Counsel may issue an order of immediate compliance, which is effective upon issuance, if the person who issues the order finds that—

(1) There is strong probability that a violation is occurring or is about to occur;

(2) The violation poses a substantial risk to health or to safety of life or property; and

(3) The public interest requires the avoidance or amelioration of that risk through immediate compliance and waiver of the procedures afforded under §§ 13.73 through 13.79.

(b) An order of immediate compliance is served promptly upon the person against whom the order is issued by telephone or telegram, and a written statement of the relevant facts and the legal basis for the order, including the findings required by paragraph (a) of this section, is served promptly by personal service or by mail.

(c) The official who issued the order of immediate compliance may rescind or suspend the order if it appears that the criteria set forth in paragraph (a) of this section are no longer satisfied, and, when appropriate, may issue a notice of proposed order of compliance under § 13.73 in lieu thereof.

(d) If at any time in the course of a proceeding commenced in accordance with § 13.73 the criteria set forth in paragraph (a) of this section are satisfied, the official who issued the notice may issue an order of immediate compliance, even if the period for filing a reply or requesting a hearing specified in § 13.75 has not expired.

(e) Within three days after receipt of service of an order of immediate compliance, the alleged violator may request a hearing in accordance with Subpart D of this part and the procedure in that subpart will apply except that—

(1) The case will be heard within fifteen days after the date of the order of immediate compliance unless the alleged violator requests a later date;

(2) The order will serve as the complaint; and

(3) The Hearing Officer shall issue his decision and order dismissing, reversing, modifying, or affirming the order of immediate compliance on the record at the close of the hearing.

(f) The filing of a request for hearing in accordance with paragraph (e) of this section does not stay the effectiveness of an order of immediate compliance.

(g) At any time after an order of immediate compliance has become effective, the official who issued the order may request the United States Attorney General, or the delegate of the Attorney General, to bring an action for appropriate relief in accordance with § 13.25.

§ 13.83 - Appeal.

(a) Any party to the hearing may appeal from the order of the Hearing Officer by filing a notice of appeal with the Administrator within 20 days after the date of issuance of the order.

(b) Any person against whom an order of immediate compliance has been issued in accordance with § 13.81 or the official who issued the order of immediate compliance may appeal from the order of the Hearing Officer by filing a notice of appeal with the Administrator within three days after the date of issuance of the order by the Hearing Officer.

(c) Unless the Administrator expressly so provides, the filing of a notice of appeal does not stay the effectiveness of an order of immediate compliance.

(d) If a notice of appeal is not filed from the order of compliance issued by a Hearing Officer, such order is the final agency order of compliance.

(e) Any person filing an appeal authorized by paragraph (a) of this section shall file an appeal brief with the Administrator within 40 days after the date of the issuance of the order, and serve a copy on the other party. Any reply brief must be filed within 20 days after service of the appeal brief. A copy of the reply brief must be served on the appellant.

(f) Any person filing an appeal authorized by paragraph (b) of this section shall file an appeal brief with the Administrator with the notice of appeal and serve a copy on the other party. Any reply brief must be filed within 3 days after receipt of the appeal brief. A copy of the reply brief must be served on the appellant.

(g) On appeal the Administrator reviews the available record of the proceeding, and issues an order dismissing, reversing, modifying or affirming the order of compliance or the order of immediate compliance. The Administrator's order includes the reasons for the action.

(h) In cases involving an order of immediate compliance, the Administrator's order on appeal is issued within ten days after the filing of the notice of appeal.

§ 13.85 - Filing, service and computation of time.

Filing and service of documents under this subpart shall be accomplished in accordance with § 13.43 except service of orders of immediate compliance under § 13.81(b); and the periods of time specified in this subpart shall be computed in accordance with § 13.44.

§ 13.87 - Extension of time.

(a) The official who issued the notice of proposed order of compliance, for good cause shown, may grant an extension of time to file any document specified in this subpart, except documents to be filed with the Administrator.

(b) Extensions of time to file documents with the Administrator may be granted by the Administrator upon written request, served upon all parties, and for good cause shown.

§ 13.101 - Applicability.

(a) This subpart applies to fact-finding investigations in which an order of investigation has been issued under § 13.3(c) or § 13.5(i) of this part.

(b) This subpart does not limit the authority of duly designated persons to issue subpoenas, administer oaths, examine witnesses and receive evidence in any informal investigation as provided for in sections 313 and 1004(a) of the Federal Aviation Act (49 U.S.C. 1354 and 1484(a)) and section 109(a) of the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act (49 U.S.C. 1808(a)).

§ 13.103 - Order of investigation.

The order of investigation—

(a) Defines the scope of the investigation by describing the information sought in terms of its subject matter or its relevancy to specified FAA functions;

(b) Sets forth the form of the investigation which may be either by individual deposition or investigative proceeding or both; and

(c) Names the official who is authorized to conduct the investigation and serve as the Presiding Officer.

§ 13.105 - Notification.

Any person under investigation and any person required to testify and produce documentary or physical evidence during the investigation will be advised of the purpose of the investigation, and of the place where the investigative proceeding or deposition will be convened. This may be accomplished by a notice of investigation or by a subpoena. A copy of the order of investigation may be sent to such persons, when appropriate.

§ 13.107 - Designation of additional parties.

(a) The Presiding Officer may designate additional persons as parties to the investigation, if in the discretion of the Presiding Officer, it will aid in the conduct of the investigation.

(b) The Presiding Officer may designate any person as a party to the investigation if that person—

(1) Petitions the Presiding Officer to participate as a party; and

(2) Is so situated that the disposition of the investigation may as a practical matter impair the ability to protect that person's interest unless allowed to participate as a party, and

(3) Is not adequately represented by existing parties.

§ 13.109 - Convening the investigation.

The investigation shall be conducted at such place or places designated by the Presiding Officer, and as convenient to the parties involved as expeditious and efficient handling of the investigation permits.

§ 13.111 - Subpoenas.

(a) Upon motion of the Presiding Officer, or upon the request of a party to the investigation, the Presiding Officer may issue a subpoena directing any person to appear at a designated time and place to testify or to produce documentary or physical evidence relating to any matter under investigation.

(b) Subpoenas shall be served by personal service, or upon an agent designated in writing for the purpose, or by registered or certified mail addressed to such person or agent. Whenever service is made by registered or certified mail, the date of mailing shall be considered as the time when service is made.

(c) Subpoenas shall extend in jurisdiction throughout the United States or any territory or possession thereof.

§ 13.113 - Noncompliance with the investigative process.

If any person fails to comply with the provisions of this subpart or with any subpoena or order issued by the Presiding Officer or the designee of the Presiding Officer, judicial enforcement may be initiated against that person under applicable statutes.

§ 13.115 - Public proceedings.

(a) All investigative proceedings and depositions shall be public unless the Presiding Officer determines that the public interest requires otherwise.

(b) The Presiding Officer may order information contained in any report or document filed or in any testimony given pursuant to this subpart withheld from public disclosure when, in the judgment of the Presiding Officer, disclosure would adversely affect the interests of any person and is not required in the public interest or is not otherwise required by statute to be made available to the public. Any person may make written objection to the public disclosure of such information, stating the grounds for such objection.

§ 13.117 - Conduct of investigative proceeding or deposition.

(a) The Presiding Officer or the designee of the Presiding Officer may question witnesses.

(b) Any witness may be accompanied by counsel.

(c) Any party may be accompanied by counsel and either the party or counsel may—

(1) Question witnesses, provided the questions are relevant and material to the matters under investigation and would not unduly impede the progress of the investigation; and

(2) Make objections on the record and argue the basis for such objections.

(d) Copies of all notices or written communications sent to a party or witness shall upon request be sent to that person's attorney of record.

§ 13.119 - Rights of persons against self-incrimination.

(a) Whenever a person refuses, on the basis of a privilege against self-incrimination, to testify or provide other information during the course of any investigation conducted under this subpart, the Presiding Officer may, with the approval of the Attorney General of the United States, issue an order requiring the person to give testimony or provide other information. However, no testimony or other information so compelled (or any information directly or indirectly derived from such testimony or other information) may be used against the person in any criminal case, except in a prosecution for perjury, giving a false statement, or otherwise failing to comply with the order.

(b) The Presiding Officer may issue an order under this section if—

(1) The testimony or other information from the witness may be necessary to the public interest; and

(2) The witness has refused or is likely to refuse to testify or provide other information on the basis of a privilege against self-incrimination.

(c) Immunity provided by this section will not become effective until the person has refused to testify or provide other information on the basis of a privilege against self-incrimination, and an order under this section has been issued. An order, however, may be issued prospectively to become effective in the event of a claim of the privilege.

§ 13.121 - Witness fees.

All witnesses appearing shall be compensated at the same rate as a witness appearing before a United States District Court.

§ 13.123 - Submission by party to the investigation.

(a) During an investigation conducted under this subpart, a party may submit to the Presiding Officer—

(1) A list of witnesses to be called, specifying the subject matter of the expected testimony of each witness, and

(2) A list of exhibits to be considered for inclusion in the record.

(b) If the Presiding Officer determines that the testimony of a witness or the receipt of an exhibit in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section will be relevant, competent and material to the investigation, the Presiding Officer may subpoena the witness or use the exhibit during the investigation.

§ 13.125 - Depositions.

Depositions for investigative purposes may be taken at the discretion of the Presiding Officer with reasonable notice to the party under investigation. Such depositions shall be taken before the Presiding Officer or other person authorized to administer oaths and designated by the Presiding Officer. The testimony shall be reduced to writing by the person taking the deposition, or under the direction of that person, and where possible shall then be subscribed by the deponent. Any person may be compelled to appear and testify and to produce physical and documentary evidence.

§ 13.127 - Reports, decisions and orders.

The Presiding Officer shall issue a written report based on the record developed during the formal investigation, including a summary of principal conclusions. A summary of principal conclusions shall be prepared by the official who issued the order of investigation in every case which results in no action, or no action as to a particular party to the investigation. All such reports shall be furnished to the parties to the investigation and filed in the public docket. Insertion of the report in the Public Docket shall constitute “entering of record” and publication as prescribed by section 313(b) of the Federal Aviation Act.

§ 13.129 - Post-investigation action.

A decision on whether to initiate subsequent action shall be made on the basis of the record developed during the formal investigation and any other information in the possession of the Administrator.

§ 13.131 - Other procedures.

Any question concerning the scope or conduct of a formal investigation not covered in this subpart may be ruled on by the Presiding Officer on motion of the Presiding Officer, or on the motion of a party or a person testifying or producing evidence.

§ 13.201 - Applicability.

(a) This subpart applies to all civil penalty actions initiated under § 13.16 of this part in which a hearing has been requested.

(b) This subpart applies only to proceedings initiated after September 7, 1988. All other cases, hearings, or other proceedings pending or in progress before September 7, 1988, are not affected by the rules in this subpart.

§ 13.202 - Definitions.

Administrative law judge means an administrative law judge appointed pursuant to the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 3105.

Agency attorney means the Deputy Chief Counsel for Operations, the Assistant Chief Counsel, Enforcement, the Assistant Chief Counsel, Europe, Africa, and Middle East Area Office, each Regional Counsel, the Aeronautical Center Counsel, or the Technical Center Counsel, or an attorney on the staff of the Assistant Chief Counsel, Enforcement, the Assistant Chief Counsel, Europe, Africa, and Middle East Area Office, each Regional Counsel, the Aeronautical Center Counsel, or the Technical Center Counsel who prosecutes a civil penalty action. An agency attorney shall not include:

(1) The Chief Counsel, the Deputy Chief Counsel for Policy and Adjudication, or the Assistant Chief Counsel for Litigation;

(2) Any attorney on the staff of the Assistant Chief Counsel for Litigation;

(3) Any attorney who is supervised in a civil penalty action by a person who provides such advice to the FAA decisionmaker in that action or a factually-related action.

Attorney means a person licensed by a state, the District of Columbia, or a territory of the United States to practice law or appear before the courts of that state or territory.

Complaint means a document issued by an agency attorney alleging a violation of a provision of the Federal aviation statute listed in the first sentence of 49 U.S.C. 46301(d)(2) or in 49 U.S.C. 47531, or of the Federal hazardous materials transportation statute, 49 U.S.C. 5121-5128, or a rule, regulation, or order issued under those statutes, that has been filed with the Hearing Docket after a hearing has been requested under § 13.16(f)(3) or (g)(2)(ii) of this part.

FAA decisionmaker means the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration, acting in the capacity of the decisionmaker on appeal, or any person to whom the Administrator has delegated the Administrator's decisionmaking authority in a civil penalty action. As used in this subpart, the FAA decisionmaker is the official authorized to issue a final decision and order of the Administrator in a civil penalty action.

Mail includes U.S. certified mail, U.S. registered mail, or use of an overnight express courier service.

Order assessing civil penalty means a document that contains a finding of a violation of a provision of the Federal aviation statute listed in the first sentence of 49 U.S.C. 46301(d)(2) or in 49 U.S.C. 47531, or of the Federal hazardous materials transportation statute, 49 U.S.C. 5121-5128, or a rule, regulation or order issued under those statutes, and may direct payment of a civil penalty. Unless an appeal is filed with the FAA decisionmaker in a timely manner, an initial decision or order of an administrative law judge shall be considered an order assessing civil penalty if an administrative law judge finds that an alleged violation occurred and determines that a civil penalty, in an amount found appropriate by the administrative law judge, is warranted. Unless a petition for review is filed with a U.S. Court of Appeals in a timely manner, a final decision and order of the Administrator shall be considered an order assessing civil penalty if the FAA decisionmaker finds that an alleged violation occurred and a civil penalty is warranted.

Party means the respondent or the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

Personal delivery includes hand-delivery or use of a contract or express messenger service. “Personal delivery” does not include the use of Government interoffice mail service.

Pleading means a complaint, an answer, and any amendment of these documents permitted under this subpart.

Properly addressed means a document that shows an address contained in agency records, a residential, business, or other address submitted by a person on any document provided under this subpart, or any other address shown by other reasonable and available means.

Respondent means a person, corporation, or company named in a complaint.

§ 13.203 - Separation of functions.

(a) Civil penalty proceedings, including hearings, shall be prosecuted by an agency attorney.

(b) An agency employee engaged in the performance of investigative or prosecutorial functions in a civil penalty action shall not, in that case or a factually-related case, participate or give advice in a decision by the administrative law judge or by the FAA decisionmaker on appeal, except as counsel or a witness in the public proceedings.

(c) The Chief Counsel, the Deputy Chief Counsel for Policy and Adjudication, and the Assistant Chief Counsel for Litigation, or an attorney on the staff of the Assistant Chief Counsel for Litigation will advise the FAA decisionmaker regarding an initial decision or any appeal of a civil penalty action to the FAA decisionmaker.

§ 13.204 - Appearances and rights of parties.

(a) Any party may appear and be heard in person.

(b) Any party may be accompanied, represented, or advised by an attorney or representative designated by the party and may be examined by that attorney or representative in any proceeding governed by this subpart. An attorney or representative who represents a party may file a notice of appearance in the action, in the manner provided in § 13.210 of this subpart, and shall serve a copy of the notice of appearance on each party, in the manner provided in § 13.211 of this subpart, before participating in any proceeding governed by this subpart. The attorney or representative shall include the name, address, and telephone number of the attorney or representative in the notice of appearance.

(c) Any person may request a copy of a document upon payment of reasonable costs. A person may keep an original document, data, or evidence, with the consent of the administrative law judge, by substituting a legible copy of the document for the record.

§ 13.205 - Administrative law judges.

(a) Powers of an administrative law judge. In accordance with the rules of this subpart, an administrative law judge may:

(1) Give notice of, and hold, prehearing conferences and hearings;

(2) Administer oaths and affirmations;

(3) Issue subpoenas authorized by law and issue notices of deposition requested by the parties;

(4) Rule on offers of proof;

(5) Receive relevant and material evidence;

(6) Regulate the course of the hearing in accordance with the rules of this subpart;

(7) Hold conferences to settle or to simplify the issues by consent of the parties;

(8) Dispose of procedural motions and requests; and

(9) Make findings of fact and conclusions of law, and issue an initial decision.

(b) Limitations on the power of the administrative law judge. The administrative law judge shall not issue an order of contempt, award costs to any party, or impose any sanction not specified in this subpart. If the administrative law judge imposes any sanction not specified in this subpart, a party may file an interlocutory appeal of right with the FAA decisionmaker pursuant to § 13.219(c)(4) of this subpart. This section does not preclude an administrative law judge from issuing an order that bars a person from a specific proceeding based on a finding of obstreperous or disruptive behavior in that specific proceeding.

(c) Disqualification. The administrative law judge may disqualify himself or herself at any time. A party may file a motion, pursuant to § 13.218(f)(6), requesting that an administrative law judge be disqualified from the proceedings.

§ 13.206 - Intervention.

(a) A person may submit a motion for leave to intervene as a party in a civil penalty action. Except for good cause shown, a motion for leave to intervene shall be submitted not later than 10 days before the hearing.

(b) If the administrative law judge finds that intervention will not unduly broaden the issues or delay the proceedings, the administrative law judge may grant a motion for leave to intervene if the person will be bound by any order or decision entered in the action or the person has a property, financial, or other legitimate interest that may not be addressed adequately by the parties. The administrative law judge may determine the extent to which an intervenor may participate in the proceedings.

§ 13.207 - Certification of documents.

(a) Signature required. The attorney of record, the party, or the party's representative shall sign each document tendered for filing with the hearing docket clerk, the administrative law judge, the FAA decisionmaker on appeal, or served on each party.

(b) Effect of signing a document. By signing a document, the attorney of record, the party, or the party's representative certifies that the attorney, the party, or the party's representative has read the document and, based on reasonable inquiry and to the best of that person's knowledge, information, and belief, the document is—

(1) Consistent with these rules;

(2) Warranted by existing law or that a good faith argument exists for extension, modification, or reversal of existing law; and

(3) Not unreasonable or unduly burdensome or expensive, not made to harass any person, not made to cause unnecessary delay, not made to cause needless increase in the cost of the proceedings, or for any other improper purpose.

(c) Sanctions. If the attorney of record, the party, or the party's representative signs a document in violation of this section, the administrative law judge or the FAA decisionmaker shall:

(1) Strike the pleading signed in violation of this section;

(2) Strike the request for discovery or the discovery response signed in violation of this section and preclude further discovery by the party;

(3) Deny the motion or request signed in violation of this section;

(4) Exclude the document signed in violation of this section from the record;

(5) Dismiss the interlocutory appeal and preclude further appeal on that issue by the party who filed the appeal until an initial decision has been entered on the record; or

(6) Dismiss the appeal of the administrative law judge's initial decision to the FAA decisionmaker.

§ 13.208 - Complaint.

(a) Filing. The agency attorney shall file the original and one copy of the complaint with the hearing docket clerk, or may file a written motion pursuant to § l3.218(f)(2)(i) of this subpart instead of filing a complaint, not later than 20 days after receipt by the agency attorney of a request for hearing. The agency attorney should suggest a location for the hearing when filing the complaint.

(b) Service. An agency attorney shall personally deliver or mail a copy of the complaint on the respondent, the president of the corporation or company named as a respondent, or a person designated by the respondent to accept service of documents in the civil penalty action.

(c) Contents. A complaint shall set forth the facts alleged, any regulation allegedly violated by the respondent, and the proposed civil penalty in sufficient detail to provide notice of any factual or legal allegation and proposed civil penalty.

(d) Motion to dismiss allegations or complaint. Instead of filing an answer to the complaint, a respondent may move to dismiss the complaint, or that part of the complaint, alleging a violation that occurred on or after August 2, 1990, and more than 2 years before an agency attorney issued a notice of proposed civil penalty to the respondent.

(1) An administrative law judge may not grant the motion and dismiss the complaint or part of the complaint if the administrative law judge finds that the agency has shown good cause for any delay in issuing the notice of proposed civil penalty.

(2) If the agency fails to show good cause for any delay, an administrative law judge may dismiss the complaint, or that part of the complaint, alleging a violation that occurred more than 2 years before an agency attorney issued the notice of proposed civil penalty to the respondent.

(3) A party may appeal the administrative law judge's ruling on the motion to dismiss the complaint or any part of the complaint in accordance with § 13.219(b) of this subpart.

§ 13.209 - Answer.

(a) Writing required. A respondent shall file a written answer to the complaint, or may file a written motion pursuant to § 13.208(d) or § 13.218(f)(1-4) of this subpart instead of filing an answer, not later than 30 days after service of the complaint. The answer may be in the form of a letter but must be dated and signed by the person responding to the complaint. An answer may be typewritten or may be legibly handwritten.

(b) Filing and address. A person filing an answer shall personally deliver or mail the original and one copy of the answer for filing with the hearing docket clerk, not later than 30 days after service of the complaint to the Hearing Docket at the appropriate address set forth in § 13.210(a) of this subpart. The person filing an answer should suggest a location for the hearing when filing the answer.

(c) Service. A person filing an answer shall serve a copy of the answer on the agency attorney who filed the complaint.

(d) Contents. An answer shall specifically state any affirmative defense that the respondent intends to assert at the hearing. A person filing an answer may include a brief statement of any relief requested in the answer.

(e) Specific denial of allegations required. A person filing an answer shall admit, deny, or state that the person is without sufficient knowledge or information to admit or deny, each numbered paragraph of the complaint. Any statement or allegation contained in the complaint that is not specifically denied in the answer may be deemed an admission of the truth of that allegation. A general denial of the complaint is deemed a failure to file an answer.

(f) Failure to file answer. A person's failure to file an answer without good cause shall be deemed an admission of the truth of each allegation contained in the complaint.

§ 13.210 - Filing of documents.

(a) Address and method of filing. A person tendering a document for filing shall personally deliver or mail the signed original and one copy of each document to the Hearing Docket using the appropriate address:

(1) If delivery is in person, or via expedited courier service: Federal Aviation Administration, 600 Independence Avenue, SW., Wilbur Wright Building—Suite 2W1000, Washington, DC 20591; Attention: Hearing Docket Clerk, AGC-430.

(2) If delivery is via U.S. Mail: Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20591; Attention: Hearing Docket Clerk, AGC-430, Wilbur Wright Building—Suite 2W1000.

(b) Date of filing. A document shall be considered to be filed on the date of personal delivery; or if mailed, the mailing date shown on the certificate of service, the date shown on the postmark if there is no certificate of service, or other mailing date shown by other evidence if there is no certificate of service or postmark.

(c) Form. Each document shall be typewritten or legibly handwritten.

(d) Contents. Unless otherwise specified in this subpart, each document must contain a short, plain statement of the facts on which the person's case rests and a brief statement of the action requested in the document.

(e) Internet accessibility of documents filed in the Hearing Docket.

(1) Unless protected from public disclosure by an order of the ALJ under 13.226, all documents filed in the Hearing Docket are accessible through the Federal Docket Management System (FDMS): To access a particular case file, use the FDMS number assigned to the case.

(2) Decisions and orders issued by the Administrator in civil penalty cases, indexes of decisions, contact information for the FAA Hearing Docket and the administrative law judges, the rules of practice, and other information are available on the FAA civil penalty adjudication Web site at:

§ 13.211 - Service of documents.

(a) General. A person shall serve a copy of any document filed with the Hearing Docket on each party at the time of filing. Service on a party's attorney of record or a party's designated representative may be considered adequate service on the party.

(b) Type of service. A person may serve documents by personal delivery or by mail.

(c) Certificate of service. A person may attach a certificate of service to a document tendered for filing with the hearing docket clerk. A certificate of service shall consist of a statement, dated and signed by the person filing the document, that the document was personally delivered or mailed to each party on a specific date.

(d) Date of service. The date of service shall be the date of personal delivery; or if mailed, the mailing date shown on the certificate of service, the date shown on the postmark if there is no certificate of service, or other mailing date shown by other evidence if there is no certificate of service or postmark.

(e) Additional time after service by mail. Whenever a party has a right or a duty to act or to make any response within a prescribed period after service by mail, or on a date certain after service by mail, 5 days shall be added to the prescribed period.

(f) Service by the administrative law judge. The administrative law judge shall serve a copy of each document including, but not limited to, notices of prehearing conferences and hearings, rulings on motions, decisions, and orders, upon each party to the proceedings by personal delivery or by mail.

(g) Valid service. A document that was properly addressed, was sent in accordance with this subpart, and that was returned, that was not claimed, or that was refused, is deemed to have been served in accordance with this subpart. The service shall be considered valid as of the date and the time that the document was deposited with a contract or express messenger, the document was mailed, or personal delivery of the document was refused.

(h) Presumption of service. There shall be a presumption of service where a party or a person, who customarily receives mail, or receives it in the ordinary course of business, at either the person's residence or the person's principal place of business, acknowledges receipt of the document.

§ 13.212 - Computation of time.

(a) This section applies to any period of time prescribed or allowed by this subpart, by notice or order of the administrative law judge, or by any applicable statute.

(b) The date of an act, event, or default, after which a designated time period begins to run, is not included in a computation of time under this subpart.

(c) The last day of a time period is included in a computation of time unless it is a Saturday, Sunday, or a legal holiday. If the last day of the time period is a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the time period runs until the end of the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.

§ 13.213 - Extension of time.

(a) Oral requests. The parties may agree to extend for a reasonable period the time for filing a document under this subpart. If the parties agree, the administrative law judge shall grant one extension of time to each party. The party seeking the extension of time shall submit a draft order to the administrative law judge to be signed by the administrative law judge and filed with the hearing docket clerk. The administrative law judge may grant additional oral requests for an extension of time where the parties agree to the extension.

(b) Written motion. A party shall file a written motion for an extension of time with the administrative law judge not later than 7 days before the document is due unless good cause for the late filing is shown. A party filing a written motion for an extension of time shall serve a copy of the motion on each party. The administrative law judge may grant the extension of time if good cause for the extension is shown.

(c) Failure to rule. If the administrative law judge fails to rule on a written motion for an extension of time by the date the document was due, the motion for an extension of time is deemed granted for no more than 20 days after the original date the document was to be filed.

§ 13.214 - Amendment of pleadings.

(a) Filing and service. A party shall file the amendment with the administrative law judge and shall serve a copy of the amendment on all parties to the proceeding.

(b) Time. A party shall file an amendment to a complaint or an answer within the following:

(1) Not later than 15 days before the scheduled date of a hearing, a party may amend a complaint or an answer without the consent of the administrative law judge.

(2) Less than 15 days before the scheduled date of a hearing, the administrative law judge may allow amendment of a complaint or an answer only for good cause shown in a motion to amend.

(c) Responses. The administrative law judge shall allow a reasonable time, but not more than 20 days from the date of filing, for other parties to respond if an amendment to a complaint, answer, or other pleading has been filed with the administrative law judge.

§ 13.215 - Withdrawal of complaint or request for hearing.

At any time before or during a hearing, an agency attorney may withdraw a complaint or a party may withdraw a request for a hearing without the consent of the administrative law judge. If an agency attorney withdraws the complaint or a party withdraws the request for a hearing and the answer, the administrative law judge shall dismiss the proceedings under this subpart with prejudice.

§ 13.216 - Waivers.

Waivers of any rights provided by statute or regulation shall be in writing or by stipulation made at a hearing and entered into the record. The parties shall set forth the precise terms of the waiver and any conditions.

§ 13.217 - Joint procedural or discovery schedule.

(a) General. The parties may agree to submit a schedule for filing all prehearing motions, a schedule for conducting discovery in the proceedings, or a schedule that will govern all prehearing motions and discovery in the proceedings.

(b) Form and content of schedule. If the parties agree to a joint procedural or discovery schedule, one of the parties shall file the joint schedule with the administrative law judge, setting forth the dates to which the parties have agreed, and shall serve a copy of the joint schedule on each party.

(1) The joint schedule may include, but need not be limited to, requests for discovery, any objections to discovery requests, responses to discovery requests to which there are no objections, submission of prehearing motions, responses to prehearing motions, exchange of exhibits to be introduced at the hearing, and a list of witnesses that may be called at the hearing.

(2) Each party shall sign the original joint schedule to be filed with the administrative law judge.

(c) Time. The parties may agree to submit all prehearing motions and responses and may agree to close discovery in the proceedings under the joint schedule within a reasonable time before the date of the hearing, but not later than 15 days before the hearing.

(d) Order establishing joint schedule. The administrative law judge shall approve the joint schedule filed by the parties. One party shall submit a draft order establishing a joint schedule to the administrative law judge to be signed by the administrative law judge and filed with the hearing docket clerk.

(e) Disputes. The administrative law judge shall resolve disputes regarding discovery or disputes regarding compliance with the joint schedule as soon as possible so that the parties may continue to comply with the joint schedule.

(f) Sanctions for failure to comply with joint schedule. If a party fails to comply with the administrative law judge's order establishing a joint schedule, the administrative law judge may direct that party to comply with a motion to discovery request or, limited to the extent of the party's failure to comply with a motion or discovery request, the administrative law judge may:

(1) Strike that portion of a party's pleadings;

(2) Preclude prehearing or discovery motions by that party;

(3) Preclude admission of that portion of a party's evidence at the hearing, or

(4) Preclude that portion of the testimony of that party's witnesses at the hearing.

§ 13.218 - Motions.

(a) General. A party applying for an order or ruling not specifically provided in this subpart shall do so by motion. A party shall comply with the requirements of this section when filing a motion with the administrative law judge. A party shall serve a copy of each motion on each party.

(b) Form and contents. A party shall state the relief sought by the motion and the particular grounds supporting that relief. If a party has evidence in support of a motion, the party shall attach any supporting evidence, including affidavits, to the motion.

(c) Filing of motions. A motion made prior to the hearing must be in writing. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties or for good cause shown, a party shall file any prehearing motion, and shall serve a copy on each party, not later than 30 days before the hearing. Motions introduced during a hearing may be made orally on the record unless the administrative law judge directs otherwise.

(d) Answers to motions. Any party may file an answer, with affidavits or other evidence in support of the answer, not later than 10 days after service of a written motion on that party. When a motion is made during a hearing, the answer may be made at the hearing on the record, orally or in writing, within a reasonable time determined by the administrative law judge.

(e) Rulings on motions. The administrative law judge shall rule on all motions as follows:

(1) Discovery motions. The administrative law judge shall resolve all pending discovery motions not later than 10 days before the hearing.

(2) Prehearing motions. The administrative law judge shall resolve all pending prehearing motions not later than 7 days before the hearing. If the administrative law judge issues a ruling or order orally, the administrative law judge shall serve a written copy of the ruling or order, within 3 days, on each party. In all other cases, the administrative law judge shall issue rulings and orders in writing and shall serve a copy of the ruling or order on each party.

(3) Motions made during the hearing. The administrative law judge may issue rulings and orders on motions made during the hearing orally. Oral rulings or orders on motions must be made on the record.

(f) Specific motions. A party may file the following motions with the administrative law judge:

(1) Motion to dismiss for insufficiency. A respondent may file a motion to dismiss the complaint for insufficiency instead of filing an answer. If the administrative law judge denies the motion to dismiss the complaint for insufficiency, the respondent shall file an answer not later than 10 days after service of the administrative law judge's denial of the motion.A motion to dismiss the complaint for insufficiency must show that the complaint fails to state a violation of a provision of the Federal aviation statute listed in the first sentence in 49 U.S.C. 46301(d)(2) or in 49 U.S.C. 47531, or any implementing rule, regulation, or order, or a violation of the Federal hazardous materials transportation statute, 49 U.S.C. 5121-5128, or any implementing rule, regulation or order.

(2) Motion to dismiss. A party may file a motion to dismiss, specifying the grounds for dismissal. If an administrative law judge grants a motion to dismiss in part, a party may appeal the administrative law judge's ruling on the motion to dismiss under § 13.219(b) of this subpart.

(i) Motion to dismiss a request for a hearing. An agency attorney may file a motion to dismiss a request for a hearing instead of filing a complaint. If the motion to dismiss is not granted, the agency attorney shall file the complaint and shall serve a copy of the complaint on each party not later than 10 days after service of the administrative law judge's ruling or order on the motion to dismiss. If the motion to dismiss is granted and the proceedings are terminated without a hearing, the respondent may file an appeal pursuant to § 13.233 of this subpart. If required by the decision on appeal, the agency attorney shall file a complaint and shall serve a copy of the complaint on each party not later than 10 days after service of the decision on appeal.

(ii) Motion to dismiss a complaint. A respondent may file a motion to dismiss a complaint instead of filing an answer. If the motion to dismiss is not granted, the respondent shall file an answer and shall serve a copy of the answer on each party not later than 10 days after service of the administrative law judge's ruling or order on the motion to dismiss. If the motion to dismiss is granted and the proceedings are terminated without a hearing, the agency attorney may file an appeal pursuant to § 13.233 of this subpart. If required by the decision on appeal, the respondent shall file an answer and shall serve a copy of the answer on each party not later than 10 days after service of the decision on appeal.

(3) Motion for more definite statement. A party may file a motion for more definite statement of any pleading which requires a response under this subpart. A party shall set forth, in detail, the indefinite or uncertain allegations contained in a complaint or response to any pleading and shall submit the details that the party believes would make the allegation or response definite and certain.

(i) Complaint. A respondent may file a motion requesting a more definite statement of the allegations contained in the complaint instead of filing an answer. If the administrative law judge grants the motion, the agency attorney shall supply a more definite statement not later than 15 days after service of the ruling granting the motion. If the agency attorney fails to supply a more definite statement, the administrative law judge shall strike the allegations in the complaint to which the motion is directed. If the administrative law judge denies the motion, the respondent shall file an answer and shall serve a copy of the answer on each party not later than 10 days after service of the order of denial.

(ii) Answer. An agency attorney may file a motion requesting a more definite statement if an answer fails to respond clearly to the allegations in the complaint. If the administrative law judge grants the motion, the respondent shall supply a more definite statement not later than 15 days after service of the ruling on the motion. If the respondent fails to supply a more definite statement, the administrative law judge shall strike those statements in the answer to which the motion is directed. The respondent's failure to supply a more definite statement may be deemed an admission of unanswered allegations in the complaint.

(4) Motion to strike. Any party may make a motion to strike any insufficient allegation or defense, or any redundant, immaterial, or irrelevant matter in a pleading. A party shall file a motion to strike with the administrative law judge and shall serve a copy on each party before a response is required under this subpart or, if a response is not required, not later than 10 days after service of the pleading.

(5) Motion for decision. A party may make a motion for decision, regarding all or any part of the proceedings, at any time before the administrative law judge has issued an initial decision in the proceedings. The administrative law judge shall grant a party's motion for decision if the pleadings, depositions, answers to interrogatories, admissions, matters that the administrative law judge has officially noticed, or evidence introduced during the hearing show that there is no genuine issue of material fact and that the party making the motion is entitled to a decision as a matter of law. The party making the motion for decision has the burden of showing that there is no genuine issue of material fact disputed by the parties.

(6) Motion for disqualification. A party may file a motion for disqualification with the administrative law judge and shall serve a copy on each party. A party may file the motion at any time after the administrative law judge has been assigned to the proceedings but shall make the motion before the administrative law judge files an initial decision in the proceedings.

(i) Motion and supporting affidavit. A party shall state the grounds for disqualification, including, but not limited to, personal bias, pecuniary interest, or other factors showing disqualification, in the motion for disqualification. A party shall submit an affidavit with the motion for disqualification that sets forth, in detail, the matters alleged to constitute grounds for disqualification.

(ii) Answer. A party shall respond to the motion for disqualification not later than 5 days after service of the motion for disqualification.

(iii) Decision on motion for disqualification. The administrative law judge shall render a decision on the motion for disqualification not later than 15 days after the motion has been filed. If the administrative law judge finds that the motion for disqualification and supporting affidavit show a basis for disqualification, the administrative law judge shall withdraw from the proceedings immediately. If the administrative law judge finds that disqualification is not warranted, the administrative law judge shall deny the motion and state the grounds for the denial on the record. If the administrative law judge fails to rule on a party's motion for disqualification within 15 days after the motion has been filed, the motion is deemed granted.

(iv) Appeal. A party may appeal the administrative law judge's denial of the motion for disqualification in accordance with § 13.219(b) of this subpart.

§ 13.219 - Interlocutory appeals.

(a) General. Unless otherwise provided in this subpart, a party may not appeal a ruling or decision of the administrative law judge to the FAA decisionmaker until the initial decision has been entered on the record. A decision or order of the FAA decisionmaker on the interlocutory appeal does not constitute a final order of the Administrator for the purposes of judicial appellate review as provided in § 13.235 of this subpart.

(b) Interlocutory appeal for cause. If a party files a written request for an interlocutory appeal for cause with the administrative law judge, or orally requests an interlocutory appeal for cause, the proceedings are stayed until the administrative law judge issues a decision on the request. If the administrative law judge grants the request, the proceedings are stayed until the FAA decisionmaker issues a decision on the interlocutory appeal. The administrative law judge shall grant an interlocutory appeal for cause if a party shows that delay of the appeal would be detrimental to the public interest or would result in undue prejudice to any party.

(c) Interlocutory appeals of right. If a party notifies the administrative law judge of an interlocutory appeal of right, the proceedings are stayed until the FAA decisionmaker issues a decision on the interlocutory appeal. A party may file an interlocutory appeal with the FAA decisionmaker, without the consent of the administrative law judge, before an initial decision has been entered in the case of:

(1) A ruling or order by the administrative law judge barring a person from the proceedings.

(2) Failure of the administrative law judge to dismiss the proceedings in accordance with § 13.215 of this subpart.

(3) A ruling or order by the administrative law judge in violation of § 13.205(b) of this subpart.

(d) Procedure. A party shall file a notice of interlocutory appeal, with supporting documents, with the FAA decisionmaker and the hearing docket clerk, and shall serve a copy of the notice and supporting documents on each party and the administrative law judge, not later than 10 days after the administrative law judge's decision forming the basis of an interlocutory appeal of right or not later than 10 days after the administrative law judge's decision granting an interlocutory appeal for cause, whichever is appropriate. A party shall file a reply brief, if any, with the FAA decisionmaker and serve a copy of the reply brief on each party, not later than 10 days after service of the appeal brief. The FAA decisionmaker shall render a decision on the interlocutory appeal, on the record and as a part of the decision in the proceedings, within a reasonable time after receipt of the interlocutory appeal.

(e) The FAA decisionmaker may reject frivolous, repetitive, or dilatory appeals, and may issue an order precluding one or more parties from making further interlocutory appeals in a proceeding in which there have been frivolous, repetitive, or dilatory interlocutory appeals.

§ 13.220 - Discovery.

(a) Initiation of discovery. Any party may initiate discovery described in this section, without the consent or approval of the administrative law judge, at any time after a complaint has been filed in the proceedings.

(b) Methods of discovery. The following methods of discovery are permitted under this section: depositions on oral examination or written questions of any person; written interrogatories directed to a party; requests for production of documents or tangible items to any person; and requests for admission by a party. A party is not required to file written interrogatories and responses, requests for production of documents or tangible items and responses, and requests for admission and response with the administrative law judge or the hearing docket clerk. In the event of a discovery dispute, a party shall attach a copy of these documents in support of a motion made under this section.

(c) Service on the agency. A party shall serve each discovery request directed to the agency or any agency employee on the agency attorney of record.

(d) Time for response to discovery requests. Unless otherwise directed by this subpart or agreed by the parties, a party shall respond to a request for discovery, including filing objections to a request for discovery, not later than 30 days of service of the request.

(e) Scope of discovery. Subject to the limits on discovery set forth in paragraph (f) of this section, a party may discover any matter that is not privileged and that is relevant to the subject matter of the proceeding. A party may discover information that relates to the claim or defense of any party including the existence, description, nature, custody, condition, and location of any document or other tangible item and the identity and location of any person having knowledge of discoverable matter. A party may discover facts known, or opinions held, by an expert who any other party expects to call to testify at the hearing. A party has no ground to object to a discovery request on the basis that the information sought would not be admissible at the hearing if the information sought during discovery is reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence.

(f) Limiting discovery. The administrative law judge shall limit the frequency and extent of discovery permitted by this section if a party shows that—

(1) The information requested is cumulative or repetitious;

(2) The information requested can be obtained from another less burdensome and more convenient source;

(3) The party requesting the information has had ample opportunity to obtain the information through other discovery methods permitted under this section; or

(4) The method or scope of discovery requested by the party is unduly burdensome or expensive.

(g) Confidential orders. A party or person who has received a discovery request for information that is related to a trade secret, confidential or sensitive material, competitive or commercial information, proprietary data, or information on research and development, may file a motion for a confidential order with the administrative law judge and shall serve a copy of the motion for a confidential order on each party.

(1) The party or person making the motion must show that the confidential order is necessary to protect the information from disclosure to the public.

(2) If the administrative law judge determines that the requested material is not necessary to decide the case, the administrative law judge shall preclude any inquiry into the matter by any party.

(3) If the administrative law judge determines that the requested material may be disclosed during discovery, the administrative law judge may order that the material may be discovered and disclosed under limited conditions or may be used only under certain terms and conditions.

(4) If the administrative law judge determines that the requested material is necessary to decide the case and that a confidential order is warranted, the administrative law judge shall provide:

(i) An opportunity for review of the document by the parties off the record;

(ii) Procedures for excluding the information from the record; and

(iii) Order that the parties shall not disclose the information in any manner and the parties shall not use the information in any other proceeding.

(h) Protective orders. A party or a person who has received a request for discovery may file a motion for protective order with the administrative law judge and shall serve a copy of the motion for protective order on each party. The party or person making the motion must show that the protective order is necessary to protect the party or the person from annoyance, embarrassment, oppression, or undue burden or expense. As part of the protective order, the administrative law judge may:

(1) Deny the discovery request;

(2) Order that discovery be conducted only on specified terms and conditions, including a designation of the time or place for discovery or a determination of the method of discovery; or

(3) Limit the scope of discovery or preclude any inquiry into certain matters during discovery.

(i) Duty to supplement or amend responses. A party who has responded to a discovery request has a duty to supplement or amend the response, as soon as the information is known, as follows:

(1) A party shall supplement or amend any response to a question requesting the identity and location of any person having knowledge of discoverable matters.

(2) A party shall supplement or amend any response to a question requesting the identity of each person who will be called to testify at the hearing as an expert witness and the subject matter and substance of that witness' testimony.

(3) A party shall supplement or amend any response that was incorrect when made or any response that was correct when made but is no longer correct, accurate, or complete.

(j) Depositions. The following rules apply to depositions taken pursuant to this section:

(1) Form. A deposition shall be taken on the record and reduced to writing. The person being deposed shall sign the deposition unless the parties agree to waive the requirement of a signature.

(2) Administration of oaths. Within the United States, or a territory or possession subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, a party shall take a deposition before a person authorized to administer oaths by the laws of the United States or authorized by the law of the place where the examination is held. In foreign countries, a party shall take a deposition in any manner allowed by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.

(3) Notice of deposition.duces tecum A party shall serve a notice of deposition, stating the time and place of the deposition and the name and address of each person to be examined, on the person to be deposed, on the administrative law judge, on the hearing docket clerk, and on each party not later than 7 days before the deposition. A party may serve a notice of deposition less than 7 days before the deposition only with consent of the administrative law judge. If a subpoena duces tecumduces tecum is to be served on the person to be examined, the party shall attach a copy of the subpoena duces tecum that describes the materials to be produced at the deposition to the notice of deposition.

(4) Use of depositions. A party may use any part or all of a deposition at a hearing authorized under this subpart only upon a showing of good cause. The deposition may be used against any party who was present or represented at the deposition or who had reasonable notice of the deposition.

(k) Interrogatories. A party, the party's attorney, or the party's representative may sign the party's responses to interrogatories. A party shall answer each interrogatory separately and completely in writing. If a party objects to an interrogatory, the party shall state the objection and the reasons for the objection. An opposing party may use any part or all of a party's responses to interrogatories at a hearing authorized under this subpart to the extent that the response is relevant, material, and not repetitious.

(1) A party shall not serve more than 30 interrogatories to each other party. Each subpart of an interrogatory shall be counted as a separate interrogatory.

(2) A party shall file a motion for leave to serve additional interrogatories on a party with the administrative law judge before serving additional interrogatories on a party. The administrative law judge shall grant the motion only if the party shows good cause for the party's failure to inquire about the information previously and that the information cannot reasonably be obtained using less burdensome discovery methods or be obtained from other sources.

(l) Requests for admission. A party may serve a written request for admission of the truth of any matter within the scope of discovery under this section or the authenticity of any document described in the request. A party shall set forth each request for admission separately. A party shall serve copies of documents referenced in the request for admission unless the documents have been provided or are reasonably available for inspection and copying.

(1) Time. A party's failure to respond to a request for admission, in writing and signed by the attorney or the party, not later than 30 days after service of the request, is deemed an admission of the truth of the statement or statements contained in the request for admission. The administrative law judge may determine that a failure to respond to a request for admission is not deemed an admission of the truth if a party shows that the failure was due to circumstances beyond the control of the party or the party's attorney.

(2) Response. A party may object to a request for admission and shall state the reasons for objection. A party may specifically deny the truth of the matter or describe the reasons why the party is unable to truthfully deny or admit the matter. If a party is unable to deny or admit the truth of the matter, the party shall show that the party has made reasonable inquiry into the matter or that the information known to, or readily obtainable by, the party is insufficient to enable the party to admit or deny the matter. A party may admit or deny any part of the request for admission. If the administrative law judge determines that a response does not comply with the requirements of this rule or that the response is insufficient, the matter is deemed admitted.

(3) Effect of admission. Any matter admitted or deemed admitted under this section is conclusively established for the purpose of the hearing and appeal.

(m) Motion to compel discovery. A party may make a motion to compel discovery if a person refuses to answer a question during a deposition, a party fails or refuses to answer an interrogatory, if a person gives an evasive or incomplete answer during a deposition or when responding to an interrogatory, or a party fails or refuses to produce documents or tangible items. During a deposition, the proponent of a question may complete the deposition or may adjourn the examination before making a motion to compel if a person refuses to answer.

(n) Failure to comply with a discovery order or order to compel. If a party fails to comply with a discovery order or an order to compel, the administrative law judge, limited to the extent of the party's failure to comply with the discovery order or motion to compel, may:

(1) Strike that portion of a party's pleadings;

(2) Preclude prehearing or discovery motions by that party;

(3) Preclude admission of that portion of a party's evidence at the hearing; or

(4) Preclude that portion of the testimony of that party's witnesses at the hearing.

§ 13.221 - Notice of hearing.

(a) Notice. The administrative law judge shall give each party at least 60 days notice of the date, time, and location of the hearing.

(b) Date, time, and location of the hearing. The administrative law judge to whom the proceedings have been assigned shall set a reasonable date, time, and location for the hearing. The administrative law judge shall consider the need for discovery and any joint procedural or discovery schedule submitted by the parties when determining the hearing date. The administrative law judge shall give due regard to the convenience of the parties, the location where the majority of the witnesses reside or work, and whether the location is served by a scheduled air carrier.

(c) Earlier hearing. With the consent of the administrative law judge, the parties may agree to hold the hearing on an earlier date than the date specified in the notice of hearing.

§ 13.222 - Evidence.

(a) General. A party is entitled to present the party's case or defense by oral, documentary, or demonstrative evidence, to submit rebuttal evidence, and to conduct any cross-examination that may be required for a full and true disclosure of the facts.

(b) Admissibility. A party may introduce any oral, documentary, or demonstrative evidence in support of the party's case or defense. The administrative law judge shall admit any oral, documentary, or demonstrative evidence introduced by a party but shall exclude irrelevant, immaterial, or unduly repetitious evidence.

(c) Hearsay evidence. Hearsay evidence is admissible in proceedings governed by this subpart. The fact that evidence submitted by a party is hearsay goes only to the weight of the evidence and does not affect its admissibility.

§ 13.223 - Standard of proof.

The administrative law judge shall issue an initial decision or shall rule in a party's favor only if the decision or ruling is supported by, and in accordance with, the reliable, probative, and substantial evidence contained in the record. In order to prevail, the party with the burden of proof shall prove the party's case or defense by a preponderance of reliable, probative, and substantial evidence.

§ 13.224 - Burden of proof.

(a) Except in the case of an affirmative defense, the burden of proof is on the agency.

(b) Except as otherwise provided by statute or rule, the proponent of a motion, request, or order has the burden of proof.

(c) A party who has asserted an affirmative defense has the burden of proving the affirmative defense.

§ 13.225 - Offer of proof.

A party whose evidence has been excluded by a ruling of the administrative law judge may offer the evidence for the record on appeal.

§ 13.226 - Public disclosure of evidence.

(a) The administrative law judge may order that any information contained in the record be withheld from public disclosure. Any person may object to disclosure of information in the record by filing a written motion to withhold specific information with the administrative law judge and serving a copy of the motion on each party. The party shall state the specific grounds for nondisclosure in the motion.

(b) The administrative law judge shall grant the motion to withhold information in the record if, based on the motion and any response to the motion, the administrative law judge determines that disclosure would be detrimental to aviation safety, disclosure would not be in the public interest, or that the information is not otherwise required to be made available to the public.

§ 13.227 - Expert or opinion witnesses.

An employee of the agency may not be called as an expert or opinion witness, for any party other than the FAA, in any proceeding governed by this subpart. An employee of a respondent may not be called by an agency attorney as an expert or opinion witness for the FAA in any proceeding governed by this subpart to which the respondent is a party.

§ 13.228 - Subpoenas.

(a) Request for subpoena. A party may obtain a subpoena to compel the attendance of a witness at a deposition or hearing or to require the production of documents or tangible items from the hearing docket clerk. The hearing docket clerk shall deliver the subpoena, signed by the hearing docket clerk or an administrative law judge but otherwise in blank, to the party. The party shall complete the subpoena, stating the title of the action and the date and time for the witness' attendance or production of documents or items. The party who obtained the subpoena shall serve the subpoena on the witness.

(b) Motion to quash or modify the subpoena. A party, or any person upon whom a subpoena has been served, may file a motion to quash or modify the subpoena with the administrative law judge at or before the time specified in the subpoena for compliance. The applicant shall describe, in detail, the basis for the application to quash or modify the supoena including, but not limited to, a statement that the testimony, document, or tangible evidence is not relevant to the proceeding, that the subpoena is not reasonably tailored to the scope of the proceeding, or that the subpoena is unreasonable and oppressive. A motion to quash or modify the subpoena will stay the effect of the subpoena pending a decision by the administrative law judge on the motion.

(c) Enforcement of subpoena. Upon a showing that a person has failed or refused to comply with a subpoena, a party may apply to the local federal district court to seek judicial enforcement of the subpoena in accordance with 49 U.S.C. 46104 in cases under the Federal aviation statute.

§ 13.229 - Witness fees.

(a) General. Unless otherwise authorized by the administrative law judge, the party who applies for a subpoena to compel the attendance of a witness at a deposition or hearing, or the party at whose request a witness appears at a deposition or hearing, shall pay the witness fees described in this section.

(b) Amount. Except for an employee of the agency who appears at the direction of the agency, a witness who appears at a deposition or hearing is entitled to the same fees and mileage expenses as are paid to a witness in a court of the United States in comparable circumstances.

§ 13.230 - Record.

(a) Exclusive record. The transcript of all testimony in the hearing, all exhibits received into evidence, and all motions, applications, requests, and rulings shall constitute the exclusive record for decision of the proceedings and the basis for the issuance of any orders in the proceeding. Any proceedings regarding the disqualification of an administrative law judge shall be included in the record.

(b) Examination and copying of record. Any person may examine the record at the Hearing Docket, Federal Aviation Administration, 600 Independence Avenue, SW., Wilbur Wright Building—Room 2014, Washington, DC 20591. Documents may also be examined and copied at the U.S. Department of Transportation, Docket Operations, West Building Ground Floor, Room W12-140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590. Any person may have a copy of the record after payment of reasonable costs to copy the record.

§ 13.231 - Argument before the administrative law judge.

(a) Arguments during the hearing. During the hearing, the administrative law judge shall give the parties a reasonable opportunity to present arguments on the record supporting or opposing motions, objections, and rulings if the parties request an opportunity for argument. The administrative law judge may request written arguments during the hearing if the administrative law judge finds that submission of written arguments would be reasonable.

(b) Final oral argument. At the conclusion of the hearing and before the administrative law judge issues an initial decision in the proceedings, the parties are entitled to submit oral proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law, exceptions to rulings of the administrative law judge, and supporting arguments for the findings, conclusions, or exceptions. At the conclusion of the hearing, a party may waive final oral argument.

(c) Posthearing briefs. The administrative law judge may request written posthearing briefs before the administrative law judge issues an initial decision in the proceedings if the administrative law judge finds that submission of written arguments would be reasonable. If a party files a written posthearing brief, the party shall include proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law, exceptions to rulings of the administrative law judge, and supporting arguments for the findings, conclusions, or exceptions. The administrative law judge shall give the parties a reasonable opportunity, not more than 30 days after receipt of the transcript, to prepare and submit the briefs.

§ 13.232 - Initial decision.

(a) Contents. The administrative law judge shall issue an initial decision at the conclusion of the hearing. In each oral or written decision, the administrative law judge shall include findings of fact and conclusions of law, and the grounds supporting those findings and conclusions, upon all material issues of fact, the credibility of witnesses, the applicable law, any exercise of the administrative law judge's discretion, the amount of any civil penalty found appropriate by the administrative law judge, and a discussion of the basis for any order issued in the proceedings. The administrative law judge is not required to provide a written explanation for rulings on objections, procedural motions, and other matters not directly relevant to the substance of the initial decision. If the administrative law judge refers to any previous unreported or unpublished initial decision, the administrative law judge shall make copies of that initial decision available to all parties and the FAA decisionmaker.

(b) Oral decision. Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, at the conclusion of the hearing, the administrative law judge shall issue the initial decision and order orally on the record.

(c) Written decision. The administrative law judge may issue a written initial decision not later than 30 days after the conclusion of the hearing or submission of the last posthearing brief if the administrative law judge finds that issuing a written initial decision is reasonable. The administrative law judge shall serve a copy of any written initial decision on each party.

(d) Order assessing civil penalty. Unless appealed pursuant to § 13.233 of this subpart, the initial decision issued by the administrative law judge shall be considered an order assessing civil penalty if the administrative law judge finds that an alleged violation occurred and determines that a civil penalty, in an amount found appropriate by the administrative law judge, is warranted.

§ 13.233 - Appeal from initial decision.

(a) Notice of appeal. A party may appeal the initial decision, and any decision not previously appealed pursuant to § 13.219, by filing a notice of appeal with the FAA decisionmaker. A party must file the notice of appeal in the FAA Hearing Docket using the appropriate address listed in § 13.210(a). A party shall file the notice of appeal not later than 10 days after entry of the oral initial decision on the record or service of the written initial decision on the parties and shall serve a copy of the notice of appeal on each party.

(b) Issues on appeal. In any appeal from a decision of an administrative law judge, the FAA decisionmaker considers only the following issues:

(1) Whether each finding of fact is supported by a preponderance of reliable, probative, and substantial evidence;

(2) Whether each conclusion of law is made in accordance with applicable law, precedent, and public policy; and

(3) Whether the administrative law judge committed any prejudicial errors that support the appeal.

(c) Perfecting an appeal. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, a party shall perfect an appeal, not later than 50 days after entry of the oral initial decision on the record or service of the written initial decision on the party, by filing an appeal brief with the FAA decisionmaker.

(1) Extension of time by agreement of the parties. The parties may agree to extend the time for perfecting the appeal with the consent of the FAA decisionmaker. If the FAA decisionmaker grants an extension of time to perfect the appeal, the appellate docket clerk shall serve a letter confirming the extension of time on each party.

(2) Written motion for extension. If the parties do not agree to an extension of time for perfecting an appeal, a party desiring an extension of time may file a written motion for an extension with the FAA decisionmaker and shall serve a copy of the motion on each party. The FAA decisionmaker may grant an extension if good cause for the extension is shown in the motion.

(d) Appeal briefs. A party shall file the appeal brief with the FAA decisionmaker and shall serve a copy of the appeal brief on each party.

(1) A party shall set forth, in detail, the party's specific objections to the initial decision or rulings in the appeal brief. A party also shall set forth, in detail, the basis for the appeal, the reasons supporting the appeal, and the relief requested in the appeal. If the party relies on evidence contained in the record for the appeal, the party shall specifically refer to the pertinent evidence contained in the transcript in the appeal brief.

(2) The FAA decisionmaker may dismiss an appeal, on the FAA decisionmaker's own initiative or upon motion of any other party, where a party has filed a notice of appeal but fails to perfect the appeal by timely filing an appeal brief with the FAA decisionmaker.

(e) Reply brief. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, any party may file a reply brief with the FAA decisionmaker not later than 35 days after the appeal brief has been served on that party. The party filing the reply brief shall serve a copy of the reply brief on each party. If the party relies on evidence contained in the record for the reply, the party shall specifically refer to the pertinent evidence contained in the transcript in the reply brief.

(1) Extension of time by agreement of the parties. The parties may agree to extend the time for filing a reply brief with the consent of the FAA decisionmaker. If the FAA decisionmaker grants an extension of time to file the reply brief, the appellate docket clerk shall serve a letter confirming the extension of time on each party.

(2) Written motion for extension. If the parties do not agree to an extension of time for filing a reply brief, a party desiring an extension of time may file a written motion for an extension with the FAA decisionmaker and shall serve a copy of the motion on each party. The FAA decisionmaker may grant an extension if good cause for the extension is shown in the motion.

(f) Other briefs.amicus curiae The FAA decisionmaker may allow any person to submit an amicus curiae brief in an appeal of an initial decision. A party may not file more than one appeal brief or reply brief. A party may petition the FAA decisionmaker, in writing, for leave to file an additional brief and shall serve a copy of the petition on each party. The party may not file the additional brief with the petition. The FAA decisionmaker may grant leave to file an additional brief if the party demonstrates good cause for allowing additional argument on the appeal. The FAA decisionmaker will allow a reasonable time for the party to file the additional brief.

(g) Number of copies. A party shall file the original appeal brief or the original reply brief, and two copies of the brief, with the FAA decisionmaker.

(h) Oral argument. The FAA decisionmaker has sole discretion to permit oral argument on the appeal. On the FAA decisionmaker's own initiative or upon written motion by any party, the FAA decisionmaker may find that oral argument will contribute substantially to the development of the issues on appeal and may grant the parties an opportunity for oral argument.

(i) Waiver of objections on appeal. If a party fails to object to any alleged error regarding the proceedings in an appeal or a reply brief, the party waives any objection to the alleged error. The FAA decisionmaker is not required to consider any objection in an appeal brief or any argument in the reply brief if a party's objection is based on evidence contained on the record and the party does not specifically refer to the pertinent evidence from the record in the brief.

(j) FAA decisionmaker's decision on appeal. The FAA decisionmaker will review the record, the briefs on appeal, and the oral argument, if any, when considering the issues on appeal. The FAA decisionmaker may affirm, modify, or reverse the initial decision, make any necessary findings, or may remand the case for any proceedings that the FAA decisionmaker determines may be necessary.

(1) The FAA decisionmaker may raise any issue, on the FAA decisionmaker's own initiative, that is required for proper disposition of the proceedings. The FAA decisionmaker will give the parties a reasonable opportunity to submit arguments on the new issues before making a decision on appeal. If an issue raised by the FAA decisionmaker requires the consideration of additional testimony or evidence, the FAA decisionmaker will remand the case to the administrative law judge for further proceedings and an initial decision related to that issue. If an issue raised by the FAA decisionmaker is solely an issue of law or the issue was addressed at the hearing but was not raised by a party in the briefs on appeal, a remand of the case to the administrative law judge for further proceedings is not required but may be provided in the discretion of the FAA decisionmaker.

(2) The FAA decisionmaker will issue the final decision and order of the Administrator on appeal in writing and will serve a copy of the decision and order on each party. Unless a petition for review is filed pursuant to § 13.235, a final decision and order of the Administrator shall be considered an order assessing civil penalty if the FAA decisionmaker finds that an alleged violation occurred and a civil penalty is warranted.

(3) A final decision and order of the Administrator after appeal is precedent in any other civil penalty action. Any issue, finding or conclusion, order, ruling, or initial decision of an administrative law judge that has not been appealed to the FAA decisionmaker is not precedent in any other civil penalty action.

§ 13.234 - Petition to reconsider or modify a final decision and order of the FAA decisionmaker on appeal.

(a) General. Any party may petition the FAA decisionmaker to reconsider or modify a final decision and order issued by the FAA decisionmaker on appeal from an initial decision. A party shall file a petition to reconsider or modify with the FAA decisionmaker not later than 30 days after service of the FAA decisionmaker's final decision and order on appeal and shall serve a copy of the petition on each party. The FAA decisionmaker will not reconsider or modify an initial decision and order issued by an administrative law judge that has not been appealed by any party to the FAA decisionmaker.

(b) Form and number of copies. A party shall file a petition to reconsider or modify, in writing, with the FAA decisionmaker. The party shall file the original petition with the FAA decisionmaker and shall serve a copy of the petition on each party.

(c) Contents. A party shall state briefly and specifically the alleged errors in the final decision and order on appeal, the relief sought by the party, and the grounds that support, the petition to reconsider or modify.

(1) If the petition is based, in whole or in part, on allegations regarding the consequences of the FAA decisionmaker's decision, the party shall describe these allegations and shall describe, and support, the basis for the allegations.

(2) If the petition is based, in whole or in part, on new material not previously raised in the proceedings, the party shall set forth the new material and include affidavits of prospective witnesses and authenticated documents that would be introduced in support of the new material. The party shall explain, in detail, why the new material was not discovered through due diligence prior to the hearing.

(d) Repetitious and frivolous petitions. The FAA decisionmaker will not consider repetitious or frivolous petitions. The FAA decisionmaker may summarily dismiss repetitious or frivolous petitions to reconsider or modify.

(e) Reply petitions. Any other party may reply to a petition to reconsider or modify, not later than 10 days after service of the petition on that party, by filing a reply with the FAA decisionmaker. A party shall serve a copy of the reply on each party.

(f) Effect of filing petition. Unless otherwise ordered by the FAA decisionmaker, filing of a petition pursuant to this section will not stay or delay the effective date of the FAA decisionmaker's final decision and order on appeal and shall not toll the time allowed for judicial review.

(g) FAA decisionmaker's decision on petition. The FAA decisionmaker has sole discretion to grant or deny a petition to reconsider or modify. The FAA decisionmaker will grant or deny a petition to reconsider or modify within a reasonable time after receipt of the petition or receipt of the reply petition, if any. The FAA decisionmaker may affirm, modify, or reverse the final decision and order on appeal, or may remand the case for any proceedings that the FAA decisionmaker determines may be necessary.

§ 13.235 - Judicial review of a final decision and order.

(a) In cases under the Federal aviation statute, a party may seek judicial review of a final decision and order of the Administrator, as provided in 49 U.S.C. 46110(a), and, as applicable, in 49 U.S.C. 46301(d)(7)(D)(iii), 46301(g), or 47532.

(b) In cases under the Federal hazardous materials transportation statute, a party may seek judicial review of a final decision and order of the Administrator, as provided in 49 U.S.C. 5127.

(c) A party seeking judicial review of a final order issued by the Administrator may file a petition for review in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit or in the United States Court of Appeals for the circuit in which the party resides or has its principal place of business.

(d) The party must file the petition for review no later than 60 days after service of the Administrator's final decision and order.

§ 13.301 - Scope and purpose.

(a) This subpart provides a mechanism for the regular adjustment for inflation of civil monetary penalties in conformity with the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act of 1990, 28 U.S.C. 2461 (note), as amended by the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, Public Law 104-134, April 26, 1996, in order to maintain the deterrent effect of civil monetary penalties and to promote compliance with the law. This subpart also sets out the current adjusted maximum civil monetary penalties or range of minimum and maximum civil monetary penalties for each statutory civil penalty subject to the FAA's jurisdiction.

(b) Each adjustment to the maximum civil monetary penalty or the range of minimum and maximum civil monetary penalties, as applicable, made in accordance with this subpart applies prospectively from the date it becomes effective to actions initiated under this part, notwithstanding references to a specific maximum civil monetary penalty or range of minimum and maximum civil monetary penalties contained elsewhere in this part.

§ 13.303 - Definitions.

(a) Civil Monetary Penalty means any penalty, fine, or other sanction that:

(1) Is for a specific monetary amount as provided by Federal law or has a maximum amount provided by Federal law;

(2) Is assessed or enforced by the FAA pursuant to Federal law; and

(3) Is assessed or enforced pursuant to an administrative proceeding or a civil action in the Federal courts.

(b) Consumer Price Index means the Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers published by the Department of Labor.

§ 13.305 - Cost of living adjustments of civil monetary penalties.

(a) Except for the limitation to the initial adjustment to statutory maximum civil monetary penalties or range of minimum and maximum civil monetary penalties set forth in paragraph (c) of this section, the inflation adjustment under this subpart is determined by increasing the maximum civil monetary penalty or range of minimum and maximum civil monetary penalty for each civil monetary penalty by the cost-of-living adjustment. Any increase determined under paragraph (a) of this section is rounded to the nearest:

(1) Multiple of $10 in the case of penalties less than or equal to $100;

(2) Multiple of $100 in the case of penalties greater than $100 but less than or equal to $1,000;

(3) Multiple of $1,000 in the case of penalties greater than $1,000 but less than or equal to $10,000;

(4) Multiple of $5,000 in the case of penalties greater than $10,000 but less than or equal to $100,000;

(5) Multiple of $10,000 in the case of penalties greater than $100,000 but less than or equal to $200,000; and

(6) Multiple of $25,000 in the case of penalties greater than $200,000.

(b) For purposes of paragraph (a) of this section, the term “cost-of-living adjustment” means the percentage (if any) for each civil monetary penalty by which the Consumer Price Index for the month of June of the calendar year preceding the adjustment exceeds the Consumer Price Index for the month of June of the calendar year in which the amount of such civil monetary penalty was last set or adjusted pursuant to law.

(c) Limitation on initial adjustment. The initial adjustment of a civil monetary penalty under this subpart does not exceed 10 percent of the civil penalty amount.

(d) Inflation adjustment. Minimum and maximum civil monetary penalties within the jurisdiction of the FAA are adjusted for inflation as follows: Minimum and Maximum Civil Penalties-Adjusted for Inflation.

United States Code cite Civil monetary penaltydescription Minimum penalty amount New or adjusted minimum penalty amount Maximum penalty amount when last set or adjusted pursuant to law New or adjusted maximum penalty amount
49 U.S.C. 5123(a), subparagraph (1) Violation of hazardous materials transportation law $250 per violation, reset 8/10/2005 No change $50,000 per violation, reset 8/10/2005 $55,000 per violation.
49 U.S.C. 5123(a), subparagraph (2) Violation of hazardous materials transportation law resulting in death, serious illness, severe injury, or substantial property destruction $250 per violation, reset 8/10/2005 No change $100,000 per violation, set 8/10/2005 $110,000 per violation.
49 U.S.C. 5123(a), subparagraph (3) Violation of hazardous materials transportation law relating to training $450 per violation, set 8/10/2005 No change $50,000 per violation, set 8/10/2005 $55,000 per violation.
49 U.S.C. 46301(a)(1) Violation by a person other than an individual or small business concern under 49 CFR 46301(a)(1)(A) or (B) N/A N/A $25,000 per violation, reset 12/12/2003 $27,500 per violation.
49 U.S.C. 46301(a)(1) Violation by an airman serving as an airman under 49 U.S.C. 46301(a)(1)(A) or (B) (but not covered by 46301(a)(5)(A) or (B) N/A N/A $1,100 per violation, reset 12/12/2003 No change.
49 U.S.C. 46301(a)(1) Violation by an individual or small business concern under 49 U.S.C. 46301(a)(1)(A) or (B) (but not covered in 49 U.S.C. 46301(a)(5)) N/A N/A $1,100 per violation, reset 12/12/2003 No change.
49 U.S.C. 46301(a)(3) Violation of 49 U.S.C. 47107(b) (or any assurance made under such section) or 49 U.S.C. 47133 N/A N/A Increase above otherwise applicable maximum amount not to exceed 3 times the amount of revenues that are used in violation of such section No change.
49 U.S.C. 46301(a)(5)(A) Violation by an individual or small business concern (except an airman serving as an airman) under 49 U.S.C. 46301(a)(5)(A)(i) or (ii) N/A N/A $11,000 per violation, adjusted 6/15/2006 No change.
49 U.S.C. 46301(a)(5)(B)(i) Violation by an individual or small business concern related to the transportation of hazardous materials N/A N/A $11,000 per violation, adjusted 6/15/2006 No change.
49 U.S.C. 46301(a)(5)(B)(ii) Violation by an individual or small business concern related to the registration or recordation under 49 U.S.C. chapter 441, of an aircraft not used to provide air transportation N/A N/A $11,000 per violation, adjusted 6/16/2006 No change.
49 U.S.C. 46301(a)(5)(B)(iii) Violation by an individual or small business concern of 49 U.S.C. 44718(d), relating to limitation on construction or establishment of landfills N/A N/A $11,000 per violation, adjusted 6/15/2006 No change.
49 U.S.C. 46301(a)(5)(B)(iv) Violation by an individual or small business concern of 49 U.S.C. 44725, relating to the safe disposal of life-limited aircraft parts N/A N/A $11,000 per violation, adjusted 6/15/2006 No change.
49 U.S.C. 46301(b) Tampering with a smoke alarm device N/A N/A $2,200 per violation, adjusted 1/21/1997 $3,200 per violation.
49 U.S.C. 46302 Knowingly providing false information about alleged violation involving the special aircraft jurisdiction of the United States N/A N/A $11,000 per violation, adjusted 1/21/1997 $16,000 per violation.
49 U.S.C. 46318 Interference with cabin or flight crew N/A N/A $27,500, adjusted 6/15/2006 No change.
49 U.S.C. 46319 Permanent closure of an airport without providing sufficient notice N/A N/A $11,000 per day, adjusted 6/15/2006 No change.
49 U.S.C. 47531 Violation of 49 U.S.C. 47528-47530, relating to the prohibition of operating certain aircraft not complying with stage 3 noise levels N/A N/A See 49 U.S.C. 46301(a)(1)(A) and (a)(5), above No change.

§ 13.401 - Flight Operational Quality Assurance Program: Prohibition against use of data for enforcement purposes.

(a) Applicability. This section applies to any operator of an aircraft who operates such aircraft under an approved Flight Operational Quality Assurance (FOQA) program.

(b) Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the terms—

(1) Flight Operational Quality Assurance (FOQA) program means an FAA-approved program for the routine collection and analysis of digital flight data gathered during aircraft operations, including data currently collected pursuant to existing regulatory provisions, when such data is included in an approved FOQA program.

(2) FOQA data means any digital flight data that has been collected from an individual aircraft pursuant to an FAA-approved FOQA program, regardless of the electronic format of that data.

(3) Aggregate FOQA data means the summary statistical indices that are associated with FOQA event categories, based on an analysis of FOQA data from multiple aircraft operations.

(c) Requirements. In order for paragraph (e) of this section to apply, the operator must submit, maintain, and adhere to a FOQA Implementation and Operation Plan that is approved by the Administrator and which contains the following elements:

(1) A description of the operator's plan for collecting and analyzing flight recorded data from line operations on a routine basis, including identification of the data to be collected;

(2) Procedures for taking corrective action that analysis of the data indicates is necessary in the interest of safety;

(3) Procedures for providing the FAA with aggregate FOQA data;

(4) Procedures for informing the FAA as to any corrective action being undertaken pursuant to paragraph (c)(2) of this section.

(d) Submission of aggregate data. The operator will provide the FAA with aggregate FOQA data in a form and manner acceptable to the Administrator.

(e) Enforcement. Except for criminal or deliberate acts, the Administrator will not use an operator's FOQA data or aggregate FOQA data in an enforcement action against that operator or its employees when such FOQA data or aggregate FOQA data is obtained from a FOQA program that is approved by the Administrator.

(f) Disclosure. FOQA data and aggregate FOQA data, if submitted in accordance with an order designating the information as protected under part 193 of this chapter, will be afforded the nondisclosure protections of part 193 of this chapter.

(g) Withdrawal of program approval. The Administrator may withdraw approval of a previously approved FOQA program for failure to comply with the requirements of this chapter. Grounds for withdrawal of approval may include, but are not limited to—

(1) Failure to implement corrective action that analysis of available FOQA data indicates is necessary in the interest of safety; or

(2) Failure to correct a continuing pattern of violations following notice by the agency; or also

(3) Willful misconduct or willful violation of the FAA regulations in this chapter.

"Good judgement seeks balance and progress. Lack of it eventually finds imbalance and frustration."
President Eisenhower